Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Ten years later: revising EPD/FEN/PGN

Author: Michael D. Sharpe

Date: 19:38:51 09/10/03

Go up one level in this thread

>A formal standard for a compact binary format would be nice.  I have some
>suggestions there.

I'd be glad to see your suggestions.  But the case for the need of a compact
binary format (it was called "PGC" in the old specification) must show why
today's gzip and its friends are significantly less suitable.  A few percentage
points of improvement in speed or size may not be worth the burden of having to
support a baroque coding mechanism.

The late Paul Onstad published material on a PGC format including code and a
DLL. His programs which used this compressed form of PGN and the code for PGC
can be found at

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