Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Pawn hashing without Zobrist keys

Author: Vincent Diepeveen

Date: 07:10:17 09/13/03

Go up one level in this thread

On September 12, 2003 at 16:59:13, Dieter Buerssner wrote:

>On September 12, 2003 at 16:53:44, Omid David Tabibi wrote:
>>assuming 'table_size' is a power of 2, the following two expressions are
>>address = key % table_size;
>>address = key & (table_size - 1);
>Omid, read over this thread, again. I think, there is no doubt, that Gerd is
>very well aware of the above. It seems, you are not aware of all the
>consequences (GCP gave you a hint).

I seriously doubt Gerd is aware how slow bitboards are and how difficult they
are to use in complex software to improve for example ones evaluation function.

Also i seriously doubt Gerd knows the penalty for % at the opteron.


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