Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Your program is a ....

Author: Ross Boyd

Date: 14:57:57 10/29/03

Go up one level in this thread

On October 29, 2003 at 08:49:54, Tord Romstad wrote:

>No, I can't top your list.  Here is a selection from the list I got
>by entering my engine's name:
> 1. gothmog is caught breaking our agreement
> 2. gothmog is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged
> 3. gothmog is the leader of the balrogs
> 4. gothmog is most exciting
> 5. gothmog is a chaos lord
> 6. gothmog is planning
> 7. gothmog is in perfect shape
> 8. gothmog is relatively easy
> 9. gothmog is a prick to get past
>10. gothmog is after me
>11. gothmog is the coming for the lives of all
>On this list, number 2 is a rather accurate description of the feeling I
>often get when watching Gothmog get massacred by other engines, number 3
>explains the origin of my engine's name (Gothmog is the Lord of the
>Balrogs in the book "Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien), number 4 and 5
>(but definitely not number 6!) describe the engine's style in the very
>few games where it doesn't play embarassingly badly, and number 8 is
>probably how most of my competitors would describe my engine.

I think #9 describes TRACE's experience with Gothmog in tournaments. :-)

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