Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: oops, my bad (NT)

Author: Jim Bell

Date: 11:27:54 11/08/03

Go up one level in this thread

On November 08, 2003 at 13:40:55, Dennis Breuker wrote:

>On November 07, 2003 at 13:29:53, Jim Bell wrote:
>>On November 07, 2003 at 09:58:50, Albert Bertilsson wrote:
>>>I've stopped developing my engine because of lack of time. I would not like to
>>>waste those CPU cycles so what is the highest perft calculated for the initial
>>>What are these perft numbers, I'd like to try and verify them :)
>>>/Regards Albert
>>From CCC Search Engine: perft(10) is 69,353,847,899,771
>No, it's 69352859712417
>You got your number from (I guess) Richard Bean's posting:
>However, he corrected this in the following post:
>So the numbers up to 10 ply are:
> 0:                  1
> 1:                 20
> 2:                400
> 3:              8,902
> 4:            197,281
> 5:          4,865,609
> 6:        119,060,324
> 7:      3,195,901,860
> 8:     84,998,978,956
> 9:  2,439,530,234,167
>10: 69,352,859,712,417

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