Author: Sven Reichard
Date: 03:37:31 11/26/03
Yesterday, my engine Alice achieved its first draw against GnuChess. The game was played at 40 moves/5 min on an Athlon 1GHz, with pondering off. Alice doesn't have an opening book. It uses a simple evaluation, including material, centralization, and some development and pawn structure terms. Its transposition table contains 2^17 entries. At this time control, it reaches about 5 plies in the middle game. After some tactical complications (or blunders on the side of GnuChess), Alice reaches a KRRKR endgame. It thinks that King centralization is bad (even in the endgame) and thus keeps the white King nicely restricted to the center of the board, while keeping its own king in the corner. Thus, after the 62nd move, nothing happens anymore. After this game, I started a 10-game match at the same time control. Result: Gnuchess 10, Alice 0. Hence this game is not typical, but it is a start :) I think about using ChessMaster personalities as sparring partners. (First experiments show a rating of ~1600.) Does anybody have experience with this? Or some reason why this is not a good idea? Cheers, Sven. [Event "Computer chess game"] [Site "localhost.localdomain"] [Date "2003.11.25"] [Round "-"] [White "gnuchessx"] [Black "Alice"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [TimeControl "40/300"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 d5 3. cxd5 Nxd5 4. e4 Nf6 5. Bd3 Nc6 6. e5 Nd5 7. Nf3 Bg4 8. Bb5 Qd7 9. Qa4 Bxf3 10. gxf3 O-O-O 11. Bxc6 Qxc6 12. Qxc6 bxc6 13. Bd2 e6 14. Rg1 f6 15. Na3 Nb4 16. Bc3 fxe5 17. dxe5 Nd3+ 18. Ke2 Bxa3 19. bxa3 Rd7 20. Ke3 a6 21. Rab1 Rf8 22. Rbd1 c5 23. Rd2 c4 24. h4 Rdf7 25. Rg3 Ne1 26. f4 Nd3 27. f3 Rxf4 28. h5 R4f5 29. Rh2 g6 30. hxg6 hxg6 31. Ke4 c6 32. Rc2 Rd8 33. Rxg6 Nc5+ 34. Ke3 Rd3+ 35. Ke2 Rfxf3 36. Bd4 Ne4 37. Rg8+ Kd7 38. Rg7+ Ke8 39. Rxc4 Ng3+ 40. Rxg3 Rxg3 41. Rxc6 Rxd4 42. Rxe6+ Kd7 43. Rxa6 Rgg4 44. Kf3 Rgf4+ 45. Ke3 Rde4+ 46. Kd3 Rxe5 47. Kc3 Rf3+ 48. Kc4 Kc7 49. Ra8 Kb7 50. Rh8 Rxa3 51. Rh2 Rf3 52. Rc2 Re4+ 53. Kd5 Re8 54. Kd4 Kb6 55. Kd5 Rfe3 56. Rc6+ Kb5 57. Rc5+ Kb4 58. Rc4+ Ka3 59. Rh4 R8e6 60. Rh2 Re2 61. Rh7 Kxa2 62. Rf7 Re7 63. Rf4 Ka3 64. Rf6 Ka4 65. Kd6 R2e5 66. Rf2 R5e6+ 67. Kc5 Rc7+ 68. Kd5 Rcc6 69. Rf1 Ka3 70. Kd4 Rf6 71. Rb1 Ka2 72. Rb8 Rf3 73. Rb5 Rcc3 74. Ke4 Ka3 75. Rb7 Rcd3 76. Ke5 Ka2 77. Ra7+ Kb1 78. Rc7 Ka1 79. Rb7 Rb3 80. Rg7 Rb6 81. Rg2 Rbf6 82. Rd2 Rc6 83. Kd5 Rff6 84. Rh2 Kb1 85. Rh1+ Ka2 86. Rh7 Rfe6 87. Rb7 Ka1 88. Rb4 Rf6 89. Rb3 Ka2 90. Rb7 Rc3 91. Re7 Rc2 92. Ra7+ Kb1 93. Re7 Rcc6 94. Kd4 Rf3 95. Kd5 Rfc3 96. Re2 Ka1 97. Rf2 Rc7 98. Kd6 R3c6+ 99. Ke5 Re7+ 100. Kd5 Rc3 101. Kd6 Rec7 102. Re2 R3c6+ 103. Kd5 Rb6 104. Re4 Rc3 105. Re2 Rg6 106. Kd4 Rgc6 107. Re1+ Ka2 108. Rf1 R6c4+ 109. Kd5 Rc7 110. Ke4 Re7+ 111. Kd4 Ree3 {Draw} 1/2-1/2
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