Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder wins in Graz after controversy

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 08:29:58 12/09/03

Go up one level in this thread

On December 09, 2003 at 11:13:56, martin fierz wrote:

>On December 09, 2003 at 10:50:23, Sune Fischer wrote:
>>If the bare engine had been playing he would have had to add a few things the
>>GUI normally takes care of.
>>For UCI engines it is expected that the GUI handles certain (trivial) things.
>claiming a draw on 3-fold repetition is *not* a trivial thing. there are
>different possible cases:
>1) if your opponent avoids it, he loses
>2) if your opponent avoids it, he wins
>in case 2) you should of course claim the draw, because perhaps he will notice
>he could avoid it. in case 1) however, you can safely repeat the moves, and not
>claim the draw. it is *not* mandatory to claim a draw on the 3rd repetition. so
>you should basically not claim it if you might win if your opponent avoids the

Are you suggesting the UCI protocol should be forbidden? :)

>how do you expect a GUI to make the right decision? imagine the following
>absurdity: jonny is running without GUI and happily repeats moves against
>shredder, and does not claim the draw because the engine doesn't know about it.

So you're saying if we take an engine and subject it to something it wasn't
designed for it wouldn't work right?

As it were, the engine was *not* designed to play in the console or in winboard.
The whole point of UCI is that certain things are easier, e.g. no messy detect
repetition draw as in winboard or the console.
The engine only has to do it internally, and Jonny clearly was doing that.

>shredder has a bug and allows a 3-fold repetition but will deviate before the
>fourth repetition. now shredders GUI stops shredder from moving, and says "i
>claim a draw with my move XY because of 3fold repetition" - this would have been
>hilarious for everybody except SMK :-)

Not really.
The engine always plays the best moves it can find, if that is a repetition then
it's a repetition. No point in continuing because the engines sees the draw and
wants it.

If you don't want the engine to go for a repetition you can adjust the contempt

In case of bugs anything can happen of course, and in this case Jonny got lucky,
it happens.

>since 3fold repetition is something you claim or don't claim based on the
>current position, it is clearly something the GUI shouldn't be doing!

Perhaps, but then the ICGA should have banned UCI engines long before the
tournament started, they didn't hence they accepted such behavior, period.

>  martin

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