Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: tbs summaries

Author: Anthony Cozzie

Date: 08:41:11 12/09/03

Go up one level in this thread

>PS: I might start a new thread following from Anthony's tablebase summaries. Its
>got me thinking lots about lots of things that might be useful for my engine...
>in a couple of years time...

When I get some time, I'm going to write code that parses Bob's enormous.pgn
file and computes the relative frequency of each 6/5/4/3 man ending.  Then I'll
put together a utility that lets you threshhold and weight, e.g.:

give me all tablebases where winrate < 85% && appear in >0.001% of games


give me the set of tablebases < 200GB where (1-winrate)*appearance rate is


My guess is the full set of 6-man tables will be >1 TB -> no one is going to be
able to afford that kind of space.  And a lot of them are just silly: kbbbkq for
example.  Just thresholding on winrate eliminates 2/3 of the tables . . . .


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