Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder wins in Graz after controversy

Author: margolies,marc

Date: 10:59:11 12/09/03

Go up one level in this thread

i had no idea that shredder's operator was also a participant ( as an operator)
does the operator also win a prize then? does the operator get his name on a
trophy? does he get royalties when the program sells more after winning a title?

and what about the operator who claims to deliberately throw a drawn game. if he
is a participant,too, shouldn't he be expelled for bad sportsmanship under FIDE

by the way, is the operator's name listed in the pairings at icga events or just
the engine name?

it is always nice to read about 'archaic virtues' which need not be enforced
against gentleman. there are other views of archaic virtues, too. do you recall
the economist Veblen won the Nobel prize writing about such ideas and his view
was not complimentary at all.
And I seem to recall that the chess clock, the very first mechanical arbiter of
all, was invented to deal with "gentleman" of the nineteenth century who refused
to resign their games.
While I respect Mr. Billings perspective and vast experience in these matters, I
cannot see his conclusion as foregone and relevant to FIDE rules because they
carry the implied motivation that the operator wanted to win--HE WANTED TO THROW

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