Author: Robert Hyatt
Date: 12:22:21 12/10/03
Go up one level in this thread
On December 10, 2003 at 04:19:29, Francesco Di Tolla wrote: >>No it isn't. THe GUI _can_ play the book moves, if the author so chooses. >>And that means it is actively taking part in the game, rather than serving >>as a passive GUI between the engine and operator. Ditto for root tablebase >>positions. >> >>Just because _you_ didn't let it choose the book moves didn't mean that >>someone else didn't... > >Actually I think it should be argued if selecting a book move based on what is >written in the book means "doing" any "chess activity". >The content of the book is much more relevant of the algorithm that select the >moves. Both are important. IE you might have a lot of information about each book move. Win/Lose percentage, percentage played by strong players, CAP scores, learning results, etc. But if your selection code doesn't use that info very effectively, then a great set of moves won't help. This is a symbiotic relationship between the book data and the book selection code.
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