Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder wins in Graz after controversy

Author: Matthew Hull

Date: 15:24:24 12/10/03

Go up one level in this thread

>>>>>Only a computer programmer can define the word "bug."  : )
>>>>>Bob D.
>>>>Actually I believe Grace Hopper originally defined it.  :)
>>>>A moth in a relay.  :)
>>>We had a possum get fried in an electrical power breaker box, taking down the
>>>entire datacenter.  Stank horribly, too.
>>We see some of that with squirrels which appear to be pretty stupid.  :)  They
>>like to bridge two power lines where they come in to a building, since the bare
>>metal is exposed and is sometimes less than 24" apart.
>We can't call that a bug though.  If a program has a rodent, then that's a
>completely different animal.

Although a possum is actually a marcupial.

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