Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: passed pawn evaluation.

Author: scott farrell

Date: 07:24:59 01/12/04

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On January 12, 2004 at 05:52:07, Tord Romstad wrote:

>On January 11, 2004 at 21:18:30, macaroni wrote:
>>I have recently been fiddling arround with some passed pawn code, however I just
>>can't seem to get it working very well. Can you give me an idea of what sort of
>>values you give different types (in different stages) of passed pawns?
>Here is a rough description of what I do:
>Start by giving the passed pawn a bonus depending on which rank it occupies.
>You then adjust this bonus depending on the placement of the other pieces
>on the board.  Some examples:
>Protected passed pawns and passed pawn duos are especially dangerous.
>Adjust the bonus up if there is a friendly pawn beside or diagonally
>behind the passed pawn.
>Adjust the bonus up if there is a friendly rook behind the pawn, and down if
>there is an enemy rook behind it.

this is where you need to be careful if you have a pawnhash, you cant hash in
other pieces :) you have to put it into the rook/king eval instead.


>A passed pawn is usually more dangerous if it is supported by a king.
>Increase the bonus if the friendly king is close, especially if it is
>somewhere in front of the pawn.  Likewise, you should increase the bonus
>if the enemy king is far away.  In rook endgames, it is probably a good
>idea to further increase the bonus if the enemy king is cut off by
>a rook (I don't do this yet, but I plan to add it in the near future).
>Passed pawns are most dangerous if they are able to advance safely.
>If the passed pawn is blocked by an enemy piece, adjust the bonus down.
>If it is unblocked, increase the bonus if your static exchange evaluator
>decides that it is safe to push the pawn, and reduce the bonus if it is
>not safe to push it.

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