Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: passed pawn evaluation. - using other piece info and pawn hash

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 17:26:49 01/12/04

Go up one level in this thread

On January 12, 2004 at 19:27:54, scott farrell wrote:

>On January 12, 2004 at 10:02:07, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On January 12, 2004 at 03:09:10, scott farrell wrote:
>>>On January 11, 2004 at 21:18:30, macaroni wrote:
>>>>I have recently been fiddling arround with some passed pawn code, however I just
>>>>can't seem to get it working very well. Can you give me an idea of what sort of
>>>>values you give different types (in different stages) of passed pawns?
>>>I think it needs lots of knowledge.
>>>What I did is use several pieceSquareTables, for different types, like blocked,
>>>isolated, defended, passed, connect passed (probably the most important),
>>>defended passed, etc
>>>I then tweeked values to solve certain problems. With various psTables, you end
>>>up with lots of levers to play with.
>>Watch out about "connected passers."
>>give white two pawns on d2/e2.  Give black two pawns on a2/h2.  Both kings
>>in the center.  Which side do you like?  :)
>>This happens a lot vs GM players, once they see the hole.  They will
>>happily give you those two connected passers.  :)
>>Connected passers are good when you have pieces...  But with no pieces,
>>look out.
>"with no pieces, look out"
>given I just do something like :
>if ( b.getMajorMaterial(-sideToEval) != 0 )

That leads to a problem caused by "boundary conditions".  When material
is _almost_ gone, the score is still big, but when the last material goes,
the score drops way down.  The search will use that in strange ways to make
you look utterly foolish.  You have to smoothly take out or add in such
scores, rather than right on some edge condition that occurs.

>and change score in pawn hash, I guess I either have to hash in changes to
>majorMaterial into the pawn hash, or put the knowledge in a different method
>that doesnt go into the values cached by the pawn hash.

I just do this stuff outside of the pawn hashing, completely...

>How does crafty take care of this? I'd try trolling the source, but it might be
>hard to find all the things you do/dont hash into the pawn hash signature.

I don't hash any of that.  I hash basic pawn scoring, and information that
might be important (8bit map for each side giving passers for each side) plus
flags about who has outside passers, etc...  I use that in a part of the eval
that doesn't get hashed, so that this is never a problem for me..


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