Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: QSearch() as PVS() ?

Author: Tord Romstad

Date: 03:11:33 01/15/04

Go up one level in this thread

On January 14, 2004 at 21:24:55, Matthias Gemuh wrote:

>On January 14, 2004 at 20:06:17, Anthony Cozzie wrote:
>>This is all part of Tord's secret plan to take over the world.  The real reason
>>Gothmog is slow is that the first line in his Search() function is:
>>for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) ;

It wouldn't surprise me if I have equivalents of the above code scattered
around in my program (it has happened before), but it is not intentional.
Right now, the first line in my search() function is:

  lbound = (Ply&1)? -RootUpperBound : RootLowerBound;

>>He plans to lull us into a false sense of security and then surprise everyone at
>> Tel Aviv.

I promise:  I won't be there.  :-)

>>Either that or he's been spending too much time around Matthias . . .
>Hi Anthony,
>don't be so ambiguous. I am also Matthias, and my engine is running _away_
>from Gothmog. While Gothmog is racing up to Leo's Premier League, my engine
>is rushing down to Division 6.

Gothmog has only played one season, in Division 3.  On average, it crashed
in about one game in each four-game match, and lost most of the others.  It
was lucky not to be demoted to Division 2 or to be disqualified from the
tournament.  How you can describe this as "racing up to Leo's Premier
League" is hard to understand.

Also, BigLion, playing in Division 4, still has a long way to go before
ending up in Division 6.  I haven't been very lucky with my bets lately,
but I am willing to bet another beer that it is never going to happen.


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