Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: definition of clones: Danchess an Crafty

Author: martin fierz

Date: 14:28:30 02/15/04

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On February 15, 2004 at 17:19:03, Andreas Guettinger wrote:
>Hm, so you think that the code of his swap fonction is to similar to the one of
>crafty or do you mind that somebody uses the idea of SEE from crafty in his
>program? I don't no the code of Danchess, so I cannot judge.
>But I think if somebody uses the idea, a swap function looks basically like a
>swap function. Like an alpha-beta looks like an alpha-beta.
>Determine attackers, determine defenders, sort the bunch of them add up
>swap_scores and minimax thme in the end.

that seems to be the point why it *is* a clone. i have a SEE in my program too.
it does about that what you describe above, but yet it will look completely
different from all other functions that people have made for this purpose. for
example, i use 3 different functions, one called SEE that is called in the
beginning, which calls SEE_attack which calls SEE_defend which again calls
SEE_attack and so on until nothing is left. that's what happens when someone
like me thinks about this for a while and makes his *own* implementation. it
will not have a single line of code that is identical to crafty. most probably
the crafty implementation is much better than mine. oh well, at least i will
never have to deal with clone accusations ;-)


>As far as the eval is concerned, I agree that this is private property.

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