Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Closed pawn center and Kingsafety

Author: Gerd Isenberg

Date: 08:47:07 03/06/04

Go up one level in this thread

On March 06, 2004 at 06:59:46, Harald Lüßen wrote:

>On March 05, 2004 at 13:52:13, Gerd Isenberg wrote:
>>May be a interesting position for static eval.
>>Topics: Closed pawn center and Kingsafety, pawn storm, good and bad bishops,
>>mobility and may be a trapped queen on g6 later on. Attacking Trajectories?
>>Anyway, search should find h4 fast, but correct implemented knowledge helps to
>>become even faster. But h4 may be wrongly considered positionally weak due the
>>demaged potential pawn shields on both wings and may therefore penalize the
>>centered king, able to castle two ways.
>>[D]rn2r1k1/pb1n1ppp/1p1p1q2/2pPpN2/2P1P3/P1PBBP2/6PP/R2QK2R w KQ - ; bm h4
>My slow Elephant dreamt over night and he likes Qd2 very much.
>(dist, score, sec/100, #nodes, pv)
>   0     38      0          9   O-O
>   1     38      0         62   O-O
>   2     30      0        162   O-O  Nb8-c6  d5xc6 Bb7xc6
>   3     30      1        358   O-O  Nb8-c6  d5xc6 Bb7xc6
>   4     25      4       3753   O-O  Nb8-a6 Ra1-b1 Na6-c7
>   5     39      6      10570   O-O  Nb8-a6 Ra1-a2 Na6-c7 Ra2-f2
>   6     33     14      28641   O-O  Nb8-a6 Qd1-a4 Ra8-d8 Ra1-e1 Bb7-c8
>   6     37     25      63342 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Nb8-a6  f3-f4 Na6-c7  f4xe5
>   7     40     37     101699 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Nb8-a6 Rf1-f2 Na6-c7 Ra1-f1
>Bb7xd5  c4xd5
>   8     39    162     417218 Qd1-d2  h7-h6 Qd2-f2 Qf6-g6   O-O  Nb8-a6 Qf2-g3
>Qg6xg3 Nf5xg3
>B  9     49    250     704181 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Qf6-g6
>   9     54    325     920920 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Nb8-a6  f3-f4 Qf6-g6  f4xe5
>Nd7xe5 Ra1-c1
>  10     46    514    1514083 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Nb8-a6  f3-f4 Qf6-g6 Rf1-f2
>Ra8-b8 Ra1-f1 Na6-c7  f4xe5 Nd7xe5
>B 11     56    904    2684312 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Nb8-a6  f3-f4 Qf6-g6 Rf1-f3
>Na6-c7 Rf3-g3 Kg8-f8
>  11     57   1340    3887964 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Bb7-c8 Ra1-e1 Nd7-f8  f3-f4
>Bc8-a6 Rf1-f3 Ba6-c8 Rf3-f1 Bc8-a6 Rf1-f3 Ba6-c8 Rf3-f1 Bc8-a6 Rf1-f3 Ba6-c8
>  12     56   2450    7267121 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Bb7-c8  f3-f4 Qf6-g6 Rf1-f3
>e5xf4 Rf3xf4 Nd7-e5 Ra1-f1 Nb8-d7
>  13     63   8409   24628898 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Bb7-c8  f3-f4  e5xf4 Be3xf4
>Nd7-e5 Bf4xh6 Bc8xf5 Bh6-g5 Ne5xc4 Bd3xc4
>  14     64  17734   50039779 Qd1-d2  h7-h6   O-O  Bb7-c8  f3-f4 Kg8-h8 Ra1-e1
>e5xf4 Be3xf4 Nd7-e5 Bf4xe5 Re8xe5 Nf5-d4 Qf6-g6
>B 14     73 100490  264030366  h2-h4  h7-h6  g2-g4 Bb7-c8  g4-g5 Qf6-g6  g5xh6
>g7xh6 Nf5xh6 Kg8-f8 Rh1-g1 Bc8-a6
>  14     82 109131  283580345  h2-h4  h7-h6  g2-g4 Qf6-g6  h4-h5 Qg6-f6  g4-g5
>h6xg5 Qd1-d2  g7-g6 Be3xg5
>  15     81 124487  325102497  h2-h4  h7-h6  g2-g4 Bb7-c8 Qd1-d2 Nd7-f8  g4-g5
>Qf6-d8  g5xh6 Bc8xf5  e4xf5  g7-g6  O-O-O
>  15    102 260250  641952126 Qd1-d2  h7-h6  g2-g4  a7-a5  h2-h4 Nb8-a6  g4-g5
>h6xg5  h4-h5  g7-g6 Be3xg5 Qf6-h8 Nf5xd6 Re8-b8  h5-h6
>  16    109 360679  893747369 Qd1-d2  h7-h6  g2-g4 Nb8-a6  g4-g5  h6xg5 Be3xg5
>Qf6-g6 Bg5-e3 Qg6-f6 Rh1-g1 Kg8-h8 Be3-g5 Qf6-g6 Qd2-e3 Re8-g8 Nf5-e7 Qg6-h5
>B 17    119 851265 2110321244 Qd1-d2  h7-h6  g2-g4 Nb8-a6  g4-g5  h6xg5 Be3xg5
>Qf6-g6 Bg5-e3 Qg6-f6 Rh1-g1 Kg8-h8 Rg1xg7 Re8-g8 Be3-g5
>  17    131 1061023           Qd1-d2  h7-h6  g2-g4 Qf6-g6  h2-h4 Bb7-c8  h4-h5
>Qg6-h7 Nf5xd6 Re8-d8  O-O-O  a7-a5
>  18    137 1966498           Qd1-d2  h7-h6  g2-g4 Qf6-g6  h2-h4 Bb7-a6  h4-h5
>Qg6-h7 Nf5xd6 Re8-d8 Qd2-h2 Ba6-c8
>  19    137 5180871           Qd1-d2  h7-h6  g2-g4 Qf6-g6 Nf5-h4 Qg6-h7 Nh4-f5
>Qh7-g6 Nf5-h4 Qg6-h7 Nh4-f5 Qh7-g6 Nf5-h4 Qg6-h7 Nh4-f5 Qh7-g6 Nf5-h4 Qg6-h7
>Nh4-f5 Qh7-g6 Nf5-h4 Qg6-h7 Nh4-f5 Qh7-g6 Nf5-h4 Qg6-h7
>The last line may be a bug in the search or just in picking the
>principal variation from the hash table.
>Still a long way to go.

Yes, bm h4 is questionable and probably wrong.
IsiChess finds Qd2 too after 50min +1.9.
Anyway, the motive is similar, forcing Bg5 and pawn storm with king in center.


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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