Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Pawn Hash Question

Author: Michel Langeveld

Date: 10:47:51 03/15/04

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On March 15, 2004 at 13:28:41, Dan Honeycutt wrote:

>I presently include the king in my pawn hash but i question if i'm getting my
>money's worth.  all I do are (1) look at shelter the abc or fgh pawns provide
>the castled king and (2) see if king supports passed pawns.  without the king
>the pawn hash hit rate is 98 to 99 percent.  with the king it drops to about 93
>percent.  my gut feel is I should either do more with the king or remove him
>What are others doing?  Is hashing the king worthwhile?
>Dan H

I had first in Nullmover pawnhashtable without a king. Since a few days it has a
king in the hash and also castling rights. It was for me around 5% faster.

I had already in my pawnhash:
* pawn structure (double pawns, groups rule)
* pawn center evaluation

I added exta (because of the king in the hashtable)
* shield in front of the king and other wings when not castled
* Since I have piecelists I added also the Piece Square Table entries of a pawn

I have plans to add:
* weak pawns
* passer pawns

And since I write this I release that I can also add the Piece Square Table of
the king!!

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