Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: extensions + reductions + pruning = confusion

Author: Johan de Koning

Date: 14:27:17 03/27/04

Go up one level in this thread

On March 26, 2004 at 12:37:11, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On March 25, 2004 at 22:52:02, Johan de Koning wrote:
>>On March 25, 2004 at 16:40:26, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>On March 25, 2004 at 01:56:43, Johan de Koning wrote:
>>>>On March 24, 2004 at 11:09:41, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>>On March 23, 2004 at 05:05:56, Vasik Rajlich wrote:
>>>>>>Junior, however, appears to come at the problem of selective search via
>>>>>>discussions about this in the CCC archives. Amir has claimed that the best way
>>>>>>to search selectively is via extensions. To complete the reductions vs
>>>>>>extensions thought from above, an extension strategy will have the profile that
>>>>>>most moves have the same basic search depth, while certain special moves will
>>>>>>have a higher search depth. The profile of a search based on reductions compared
>>>>>>to a search based on extensions will be different.
>>>>>It is easy to prove that last statement wrong.
>>>>>You write a program that only does search depth reductions.  I write a program
>>>>>that only does extensions.  I can make mine _identical_ to yours.   Where you
>>>>>reduce, I do nothing.  Where you don't reduce, I extend.  IE if you don't reduce
>>>>>a check, I extend the check.  We search _exactly_ the same tree.
>>>>Indeed, assuming fractional plies, it is rather trivial to build
>>>>the same tree using either extensions or reductions.
>>>>But it's better to avoid the term "reductions" since it is confusing.
>>>>The real issue is extensions versus *pruning*.
>>>Let me define _my_ vocabulary to avoid further confusion.
>>>1.  Extension.  extending the depth of a move based on some property it
>>>exhibits, such as being a check or whatever.
>>>2.  Reduction.  Reducing the depth of a move based on some property it exhibits,
>>>such as not being a capture, check, threat, etc.
>>>The two terms are inverses.  I can extend the set of moves {X} or I can reduce
>>>the set of moves {M-X} and get _exactly_ the same result, to the node.  Note
>>>that M is the set of all moves we will search.
>>>3.  Forward-pruning.  Taking some set of moves at the current ply and throwing
>>>them out with no additional searching of any kind.
>>>4.  Backward-pruning.  IE alpha/beta pruning that doesn't change the final
>>>result at all.
>>Fair enough, but null moving doesn't fit in your vocabulary.
>Actually it does.  It is a "reduction"...  The reduction is "R" and it is done
>when the shallow search can't find bad after I "pass"...

It is if you consider null moves to be part of M, as I wrote 1 line down.

But the equivalence of extension based and reduction based searches will
start to look silly then.

>>One solution is to define null moves as part of the reference tree
>>(a search that utilizes 4. at most).
>>Another way is to allow searches under 3. After all, null move is an
>>estimate *and* it is used to disqualify members of M. That's sounds
>>like pruning! :-) And after hiding the null searches in an (expensive)
>>black box there is no difference at all.
>Note it really doesn't prune, as in throwing things away with no search, it does
>a search to a reduced depth...
>Whether that is pruning or not is probably a religious vs technical argument...

Technically I'd say it is pruning unless you allow null moves in the PV.

And I think I'll skip the religious part for this once. :-)

... Johan

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