Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Tree reduced by 10% now

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 12:54:37 04/01/04

Go up one level in this thread

On April 01, 2004 at 14:16:22, Artem Pyatakov wrote:

>On April 01, 2004 at 13:11:14, Pallav Nawani wrote:
>>Would care to you elaborate a little? What do you mean by the most 'pouplar'
>>move or how is your method different than just having 4 killer moves?
>Good to know somebody in this forum still cares about computer chess programming
>and little advances in the search :-)
>So to elaborate: For each of the killer moves on the ply, I store not only the
>killer move itself but how often that killer move has been encountered at this
>ply. If a killer move I have not seen yet comes up, I add it to the array of
>killers. If this array is full, I look for the killer move that has been the
>least frequent in the past and overwrite it with my current killer move. This is
>actually very similar to a merge between the history heuristic and the killer
>move heuristic. Make sense?

That is how everyone does killers I suspect.  It is exactly how Slate described
it in Chess Skill in Man and Machine...  If you only use 2, the counters can
probably be eliminated (I did this a long while back).

>By the way, a little update is that with 10 moves it actually does do better
>(the result indicating otherwise was an aberration) - 10% less nodes than the
>initial 2 killer move heuristics.

What is the overhead for keeping the extra killers, updating the counts, finding
the best killer, etc?  IE it isn't free.  Hopefully it doesn't cost 10% which
would make this "break-even"...

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