Author: steven blincoe
Date: 11:58:21 04/21/04
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. Are you able to help? My web page is > >If anyone can help you Steve sure can! I took a look, you have some machines I >remember well and a couple I've never seen before! > hi Tom and Terry i visited your web site a nice collection you have there! sadly, except for the Fidelity Mini Sensory i do not own any of the computers you do my collection consists mainly of very old computers and i do not own many of the models released in the last 10 years or so the only computer i do won is the Mini Sensory : there were two versions released, the Mini I(your computer) and the Mini II same exact computer except the keys had raised buttons instead of flat keys specs i know of: Proceesor-80C50 Clock speed-6 Mhz in addition Fidelity released the Silver Bullet which was in the same housing as the Mini's but with 8 levels of play and a slighlty more advanced program thanks for the vote of confidence Terry but i was not of very much help to Tom :)) Best Regards Steve
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