Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: The Zappa Attack Table Code

Author: Anthony Cozzie

Date: 14:14:20 05/05/04

I experimented with attack tables on the recommendation of Vincent last fall.
The following code is based on his move generator.  I eventually decided that on
32 bit machines, attack tables were a clear win over bitboards, but at 64 bits
it would be about a break-even deal, and since I already had a bitboard engine,
the choice was easy ;)


#include "zappa.h"

//Since Zappa spends a lot of time updating the attack tables,
//I try to keep track of exactly what its doing.


zappa_u64 at_sweep_calls     = 0;
zappa_u64 at_fixed_calls     = 0;
zappa_u64 at_xray_calls      = 0;
zappa_u64 at_sweep_squares   = 0;
zappa_u64 at_fixed_squares   = 0;
zappa_u64 at_xray_squares    = 0;

#define SCAN_FSM_STATE_NOX   0
#define SCAN_FSM_STATE_MX    1
#define SCAN_FSM_STATE_PX    2
#define SCAN_FSM_STATE_QX    3
#define SCAN_FSM_STATE_QPX   4

//Add a piece to the attack tables
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_wpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int id,
int sq);
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_bpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int id,
int sq);
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_white_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int ptype, int sq);
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_black_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int ptype, int sq);
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_fixed(zpos * RESTRICT p, zappa_u32
* RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq);

//Remove a piece from the attack tables
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_wpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int sq);
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_bpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int sq);
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_white_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p,
int id, int ptype, int sq);
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_black_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p,
int id, int ptype, int sq);
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_fixed(zpos * RESTRICT p,
zappa_u32 * RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq);

//Update xray attacks - the really annoying part, in terms of complexity
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_xray(zpos * RESTRICT p, zappa_u32 *
RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq, int xsq);
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_xray(zpos * RESTRICT p,
zappa_u32 * RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq, int xsq);

const zappa_s8 rot90[64] = {0, 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,
			    1, 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,

//Square A in rot-space is at square h1a8rot[A] in flat-space
const zappa_s8 roth1a8[64] = {H1, G2, F3, E4, D5, C6, B7, A8,
			      H2, G3, F4, E5, D6, C7, B8, A1,
			      H3, G4, F5, E6, D7, C8, B1, A2,
			      H4, G5, F6, E7, D8, C1, B2, A3,
			      H5, G6, F7, E8, D1, C2, B3, A4,
			      H6, G7, F8, E1, D2, C3, B4, A5,
			      H7, G8, F1, E2, D3, C4, B5, A6,
			      H8, G1, F2, E3, D4, C5, B6, A7};

//Square A in flatspace is at square roth1a8[A] in rot-space
const zappa_s8 inv_roth1a8[64] = {H2, G3, F4, E5, D6, C7, B8, A1,
				  H3, G4, F5, E6, D7, C8, B1, A2,
				  H4, G5, F6, E7, D8, C1, B2, A3,
				  H5, G6, F7, E8, D1, C2, B3, A4,
				  H6, G7, F8, E1, D2, C3, B4, A5,
				  H7, G8, F1, E2, D3, C4, B5, A6,
				  H8, G1, F2, E3, D4, C5, B6, A7,
				  H1, G2, F3, E4, D5, C6, B7, A8};

//Square A in rot-space is at square a1h8rot[A] in flat-space
const zappa_s8 rota1h8[64] = {A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6, G7, H8,
			      B1, C2, D3, E4, F5, G6, H7, A8,
			      C1, D2, E3, F4, G5, H6, A7, B8,
			      D1, E2, F3, G4, H5, A6, B7, C8,
			      E1, F2, G3, H4, A5, B6, C7, D8,
			      F1, G2, H3, A4, B5, C6, D7, E8,
			      G1, H2, A3, B4, C5, D6, E7, F8,
			      H1, A2, B3, C4, D5, E6, F7, G8};

//Square A in flatspace is at square roth1a8[A] in rot-space
const zappa_s8 inv_rota1h8[64] = {A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8,
				  B8, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7,
				  C7, C8, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6,
				  D6, D7, D8, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5,
				  E5, E6, E7, E8, E1, E2, E3, E4,
				  F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F1, F2, F3,
				  G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G1, G2,
				  H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H1};

//Precomputed move masks for rotated bitboards
bitboard rr_precomp[64][64];    //rook ranks:              8*64*64 = 32kB memory
bitboard rf_precomp[64][64];    //rook files:              8*64*64 = 32kB memory
bitboard ba_precomp[64][64];    //bishop a1->h8 diagonals: 8*64*64 = 32kB memory
bitboard bh_precomp[64][64];    //bishop h1->a8 diagonals: 8*64*64 = 32kB memory

//Precomputed move masks for kings, pawns, and knights
bitboard k_precomp[64];          //king moves:                  8*64 = 512B
bitboard n_precomp[64];          //knight moves:                8*64 = 512B
bitboard p_rightmask;            //rightmask contains all the squares not on the
A file
bitboard p_leftmask;             //leftmask contains all the squares not on the
H file
bitboard p_allmask;
bitboard second_rank;            //Squares on the second rank
bitboard seventh_rank;           //Squares on the seventh rank

//given an array of 'delta x squares' and 'delta y squares' make a bitboard
//with ones on those squares and zeroes everywhere else
//also do not allow 'board wraps'
//invariant: r is of size 8
//called by: fill_king_precomputes(), fill_knight_precomputes()
static zforceinline bitboard get_precomp_move_mask(const int d_x[], const int
d_y[], int sq)
  register bitboard v, bb_one;
  register int i, x, y;

  for(i = 0, v = 0, bb_one = 1; i < 8; i++)
    x = (sq & 7) + d_x[i];
    y = ((sq & 56) >> 3) + d_y[i];

    if((x >= 0) & (x <= 7) & (y >= 0) & (y <= 7))
      v |= bb_one << (sq + d_x[i] + 8 * d_y[i]);

  return v;

//initialize lookup tables
void init_move_generation(void)
  //constants for knight/king attack bitboards
  const static int d_nx[8] = {-2,-1, 1, 2, 2, 1,-1,-2}, d_ny[8] = {-1,-2,-2,-1,
1, 2, 2, 1};
  const static int d_kx[8] = {-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1}, d_ky[8] = {-1,-1,-1, 0,
1, 1, 1, 0};
  int i, j, r, k, rs_index, extfill, hoff, aoff, pcomp, mcomp, rcomp, qcomp,
ptype, uptype, fsm_state, fsm_xstate;
  int fsm_stop_state, fsm_type_state, xpawn, ray_xtype;
  int barrier, xpiece, nfsm_xastate, nfsm_xrstate;
  int nfsm_type_state, nfsm_stop_state, xminor, g;

  int mgen_iter, sgen_iter, sq, x, y;                                //iterators
  const int directions[3][9] = {{7, -7, 9, -9, 0},  //slider delta types (rooks
can move n*1, etc)
			        {1, -1, 8, -8, 0},
				{1, -1, 8, -8, 7, -7, 9, -9, 0}};
  const int dx[2][8] = {{2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0,
  const int dy[2][8] = {{1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1}, {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1,

  //Initialize edge table
  for(i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    edge_table[i] = (((i & 7) == 0) << 3) + (((i & 7) == 7) << 2) + (((i >> 3)
== 7) << 1) +(((i >> 3) == 0) << 0);

  //xray piece lists
  for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    g = uncompress_gradient[i];
    for(j = 0; j < 64; j++)
      k = 0;
      for(sq = j; (edge_table[sq] & scan_edge_table[g+9]) == 0; sq += g)
	xray_slider_move_table[i][j][k++] = (ray_type_table[i] << 6) + sq + g;
      xray_slider_move_table[i][j][int_max(k-1, 0)] |= 0xC0; //EOR

  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)                     //loop over piece types
    for(j = 0; j < 64; j++)                  //loop over initial squares
      for(k = 0; k < 29; k++)                //initialize (-1 -> end of list)
	mgen_slider_move_table[i][j][k] = -1;

      sgen_iter = mgen_iter = 0;
      for(k = 0; directions[i][k] != 0; k++) //loop over ray
	for(sq = j; 1;)
	  //edge test: top
	  if((sq >> 3) == 7 && directions[i][k] > 1)

	  //edge test: bottom
	  if((sq >> 3) == 0 && directions[i][k] < -1)

	  //edge test: right
	  if((sq & 7) == 7 && (directions[i][k] == -7 || directions[i][k] == 9 ||
directions[i][k] == 1))

	  //edge test: left
	  if((sq & 7) == 0 && (directions[i][k] == 7 || directions[i][k] == -9 ||
directions[i][k] == -1))

	  sq += directions[i][k];                  //proceed along the ray
	  mgen_slider_move_table[i][j][mgen_iter++] = sq; //add to our list of squares

	//0: xray White Pawns, diagonal sliders
	//1: xray Black Pawns, diagonal sliders
	//2: xray horizontal sliders
	//3: End of ray.
	if(abs(directions[i][k]) % 2 == 1 && abs(directions[i][k]) > 1)
	  ray_xtype = directions[i][k] > 0;
	  ray_xtype = 2;

	//for all the square so far: if we terminate early, go to the next ray
	for(; sgen_iter < mgen_iter; sgen_iter++)
	  mgen_slider_move_table[i][j][sgen_iter+32] = (((mgen_iter - sgen_iter - 1 ==
0) ? 3 : ray_xtype) << 4) | (mgen_iter - sgen_iter - 1);

  //fixed pieces
  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 64; j++)
      for(k = 0; k < 16; k++)
	mgen_fixed_move_table[i][j][k] = -1;

      for(mgen_iter = k = 0; k < 8; k++)
	x = File(j) + dx[i][k];
	y = Rank(j) + dy[i][k];

	if(x >= 0 && x <= 7 && y >= 0 && y <= 7)
	  mgen_fixed_move_table[i][j][mgen_iter++] = (y << 3) | x;

  //precompute the castling move for easy comparison / concise code
  wk_castle_move = m_build(0, 0, WKING, E1, G1);
  wq_castle_move = m_build(0, 0, WKING, E1, C1);
  bk_castle_move = m_build(0, 0, BKING, E8, G8);
  bq_castle_move = m_build(0, 0, BKING, E8, C8);

  //non xray state machine transistions and output
  for(i = 0; i < 320; i++)
    uptype     = (ptype = i & 0xF) >> 1;
    ray_xtype  = (i >> 4) & 0x3;
    fsm_state  =  i >> 6;

    //are we done with this ray?
    case 0: barrier = (ptype == WPAWN) || (uptype == KNIGHT) || (uptype == KING)
|| (uptype == ROOK);   break;
    case 1: barrier = (ptype == BPAWN) || (uptype == KNIGHT) || (uptype == KING)
|| (uptype == ROOK);   break;
    case 2: barrier = (uptype == PAWN) || (uptype == KNIGHT) || (uptype == KING)
|| (uptype == BISHOP); break;
    case 3: barrier = 1; break;
    barrier |= (fsm_state == SCAN_FSM_STATE_PX) || (fsm_state ==

    //skip decision
at_scan_skip_decision[i] = 0x0F;   //skip
at_scan_skip_decision[i] = 0x00;   //continue

    //bc decision
at_scan_bc_decision[i] = SCAN_FSM_STATE_NOX;
    else if(uptype == QUEEN)
at_scan_bc_decision[i] = SCAN_FSM_STATE_QX;
    else if(uptype == PAWN && fsm_state <  SCAN_FSM_STATE_QX)
at_scan_bc_decision[i] = SCAN_FSM_STATE_PX;
    else if(uptype == PAWN && fsm_state >= SCAN_FSM_STATE_QX)
at_scan_bc_decision[i] = SCAN_FSM_STATE_QPX;
    else if(ptype > 0      && fsm_state <  SCAN_FSM_STATE_QX)
at_scan_bc_decision[i] = SCAN_FSM_STATE_MX;
at_scan_bc_decision[i] = fsm_state;

  //xray xsquare state machine transistion
  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    uptype         = (ptype = i & 0xF) >> 1;
    ray_xtype      = (i >> 4) & 0x3;
    fsm_type_state = (i >> 6) & 0x1;  //M/Q
    fsm_xstate     = (i >> 7) & 0x1;

    xminor = (ray_xtype < 2 && uptype == BISHOP) || (ray_xtype >= 2 && uptype ==
    xpawn  = (ray_xtype == 0 && ptype == BPAWN) || (ray_xtype == 1 && ptype ==

    //First transistion: is the piece we are adding/subtracting a slider?
    if(xminor)                                        nfsm_type_state = 3;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 0 && uptype == QUEEN)   nfsm_type_state = 2;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 1 && uptype == QUEEN)   nfsm_type_state = 3;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 0 && xpawn)             nfsm_type_state = 4;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 1 && xpawn)             nfsm_type_state = 5;
    else                                              nfsm_type_state =
fsm_type_state;    //M/Q

    //stop state is always 0
    nfsm_stop_state = 0;

    //xstate: insertion is simply "do we xray", without caring what is on the
    nfsm_xastate = fsm_xstate;

    //Removal: we do count the piece on the xsquare
    nfsm_xrstate = !xpawn && !xminor && uptype != QUEEN;

    //build and store
    at_xray_add_xsquare[i] = (nfsm_type_state << 2) | (nfsm_stop_state << 1) |
    at_xray_rem_xsquare[i] = (nfsm_type_state << 2) | (nfsm_stop_state << 1) |

  //xray state machine transistions
  for(i = 0; i < 1536; i++)
    uptype         = (ptype = i & 0xF) >> 1;
    ray_xtype      = (i >> 4) & 0x3;
    fsm_xstate     = (i >> 6) & 0x1;
    fsm_stop_state = (i >> 7) & 0x1;
    fsm_type_state = (i >> 8);

    //translate info into things that actually cause state changes

    //do we stop here?
    case 0: barrier = (ptype == WPAWN) || (uptype == KNIGHT) || (uptype == KING)
|| (uptype == ROOK);   break;
    case 1: barrier = (ptype == BPAWN) || (uptype == KNIGHT) || (uptype == KING)
|| (uptype == ROOK);   break;
    case 2: barrier = (uptype == PAWN) || (uptype == KNIGHT) || (uptype == KING)
|| (uptype == BISHOP); break;
    case 3: barrier = 1; break;

    barrier |= fsm_stop_state == 1; //also stop if we saw a pawn previously.

    //xray pawn?
    case 0: xpawn = (ptype == BPAWN); break;
    case 1: xpawn = (ptype == WPAWN); break;
    case 2:
    case 3: xpawn = 0; break;

    //will we scan through this piece
    xpiece          = ptype != EMPTY && !barrier;

    //Input:     4 bits ptype, 2 bits decision.
    //FSM State: 1 bit xray, 1 bit stop_next, 6 states type_state

    //type state machine: on insertion +T, on removal -T
    //initial state    M: We are a minor piece, and we attack this xsquare
either directly or through another minor.
    //                    p->board[xsquare] was not a minor piece or a queen.
    //initial state    Q: We are a minor piece xraying a queen, or a queen.
    //                    p->board[xsquare] was not a minor piece or a queen.
    //initial state: M-Q: We are a minor piece, and we attack xsquare directly
or through another minor.
    //                    p->board[xsquare] was a queen.
    //initial state:   0: We were "cancelled out" by whatever we found at
xsquare.  For example, we are a minor
    //                    and xsquare is a minor (no change needed).
    //initial state  M-P: We are a minor piece, attack square directly or
through another minor, and p->board[xsquare]
    //                    was an xray pawn.
    //initial state  Q-P: We are a minor xraying a queen, or a queen, and
p->board[xsquare] was an xray pawn.

    //state transistion diagram
    //   M   + Q -> Q
    //   M   + * -> M
    //   Q   + * -> Q
    //   M-Q + Q -> 0
    //   M-Q + * -> M-Q
    //   0   + * -> 0
    //   M-P + Q -> Q
    //   M-P + * -> M
    //   Q-P + * -> Q

    //stop state machine: (not really a state machine) handle pawn xray
    //state           0:  Previous square was not an xray pawn
    //state           1:  Previous square was not xsquare and an xray pawn

    //Insertion xray state machine
    //state           0:  After removing the piece on xsquare, we will attack
this square directly
    //state           1:  After removing the piece on xsquare, we will attack
this square indirectly
    //   1 + *        -> 1
    //   0 + XP       -> 1
    //   0 + *        -> 0

    //Removal xray state machine
    //state           0:  After inserting the piece on xsquare, we will attack
this square indirectly
    //state           1:  After inserting the piece on xsquare, we will not
attack this square at all.
    //Most of the work here is done before.  The only trick is that on xraying a
Pawn, we go from 0-1
    //immediately afterward.  Otherwise, there is no change.
    //   1 + *         -> 1
    //   0 + ts > 4    -> 1
    //   0 + *         -> 0

    //stop state
    nfsm_stop_state = xpawn;

    //type state
    if(fsm_type_state == 0 && uptype == QUEEN)       nfsm_type_state = 1;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 2 && uptype == QUEEN)  nfsm_type_state = 3;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 4 && uptype == QUEEN)  nfsm_type_state = 1;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 4 && uptype != QUEEN)  nfsm_type_state = 0;
    else if(fsm_type_state == 5)                     nfsm_type_state = 1;
    else                                             nfsm_type_state =

    //insertion xray state
    if(fsm_xstate == 0 && xpiece)                    nfsm_xastate = 1;
    else                                             nfsm_xastate = fsm_xstate;

    //removal xray state
    if(fsm_type_state > 3)                           nfsm_xrstate = 1;
    else                                             nfsm_xrstate = fsm_xstate;

    at_xray_add_decision[i] = (barrier << 7) | (nfsm_type_state << 2) |
(nfsm_stop_state << 1) | (nfsm_xastate);
    at_xray_rem_decision[i] = (barrier << 7) | (nfsm_type_state << 2) |
(nfsm_stop_state << 1) | (nfsm_xrstate);

  //fill gradient vector and ray information
  for(i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 64; j++)                                   //start by zeroing
out everything
      grad_vector[i][j] = 0;

    bhp_ray(i) = bhm_ray(i) = bap_ray(i) = bam_ray(i) = (zappa_u64)0;
    rfp_ray(i) = rfm_ray(i) = rrp_ray(i) = rrm_ray(i) = (zappa_u64)0;

    for(j = i; (j & 7) != 0 && (j >> 3) != 7;) {              //if we are not on
the top/left of the board
      j += 7;                                                 //advance in the
h1->a8 direction (+7)
      bhp_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = 7;                                  //note our

    for(j = i; (j & 7) != 7 && (j >> 3) != 0;) {              //if we are not on
the bottom/right of the board
      j -= 7;                                                 //advance in the
a8->h1 direction (-7)
      bhm_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = -7;                                 //note our

    for(j = i; (j & 7) != 7 && (j >> 3) != 7;) {              //if we are not on
the top/right of the board
      j += 9;                                                 //advance in the
a1->h8 direction (+9)
      bap_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = 9;                                  //note our

    for(j = i; (j & 7) != 0 && (j >> 3) != 0;) {              //if we are not on
the bottom/left of the board
      j -= 9;                                                 //advance in the
h8->a1 direction (-9)
      bam_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = -9;                                 //note our

    for(j = i; (j >> 3) != 7;) {                              //if we are not on
the top of the board
      j += 8;                                                 //advance up the
file (+8)
      rfp_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = 8;                                  //note our

    for(j = i; (j >> 3) != 0;) {                              //if we are not on
the bottom of the board
      j -= 8;                                                 //advance down the
file (-8)
      rfm_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = -8;                                 //note our

    for(j = i; (j & 7) != 7;) {                               //if we are not on
the right of the board
      j += 1;                                                 //advance right on
the rank (+1)
      rrp_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = 1;                                  //note our

    for(j = i; (j & 7) != 0;) {                               //if we are not on
the left of the board
      j -= 1;                                                 //advance left on
the rank (-1)
      rrm_ray(i) |= (zappa_u64)1 << j;                        //add to ray
      grad_vector[i][j] = -1;                                 //note our

    b_rays(i) = bhp_ray(i) | bhm_ray(i) | bap_ray(i) | bam_ray(i);
    r_rays(i) = rrm_ray(i) | rrp_ray(i) | rfm_ray(i) | rfp_ray(i);

  //rotated bitboard attack generation
  for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) //square loop
    //Knights and Kings are easy
    k_precomp[i] = get_precomp_move_mask(d_kx, d_ky, i);
    n_precomp[i] = get_precomp_move_mask(d_nx, d_ny, i);

    for(j = 0; j < 64; j++) //combination loop
      rf_precomp[i][j] = rr_precomp[i][j] = ba_precomp[i][j] = bh_precomp[i][j]
= (zappa_u64)0;

      //rook file precomputes
      for(r = ((i & 56) >> 3) - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
	rf_precomp[i][j] |= ((zappa_u64)1 << ((i & 7) + (r << 3)));
	if(((1 << r) & (j << 1)) != 0)
      for(r = ((i & 56) >> 3) + 1 ; r < 8; r++) {
	rf_precomp[i][j] |= ((zappa_u64)1 << ((i & 7) + (r << 3)));
	if(((1 << r) & (j << 1)) != 0)

      //rook rank precomputes
      for(r = (i & 7) - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
	rr_precomp[i][j] |= ((zappa_u64)1 << ((i & 56) + r));
	if(((1 << r) & (j << 1)) != 0)
      for(r = (i & 7) + 1 ; r < 8; r++) {
	rr_precomp[i][j] |= ((zappa_u64)1 << ((i & 56) + r));
	if(((1 << r) & (j << 1)) != 0)

      extfill = (j << 1); //our /4 trick

      //h1a8 precomputes
      //rs_index = index in bit: shift offset - byte offset
      hoff = (i + Rank(i) - 7) & 7;
      rs_index = inv_roth1a8[i] - hoff*8;
      for(k = rs_index; 1;)
	//1. Check for overflow out of byte
	if(k < 0 || k > 7) break;

	//break if we are about to go off the edge of the real board
	if(Rank(roth1a8[k + hoff*8]) == RANK8 || File(roth1a8[k + hoff*8]) == FILEA)

	//Add square to attack list
	k++; bh_precomp[i][j] |= (zappa_u64)1 << roth1a8[k + hoff*8];

	//break on non-empty square
	if((extfill >> k & 1)) break;
      for(k = rs_index; 1;)
	//1. Check for overflow out of byte
	if(k < 0 || k > 7) break;

	//break if we are about to go off the edge of the real board
	if(Rank(roth1a8[k + hoff*8]) == RANK1 || File(roth1a8[k + hoff*8]) == FILEH)

	//Add square to attack list
	k--; bh_precomp[i][j] |= (zappa_u64)1 << roth1a8[k + hoff*8];

	//break on non-empty square
	if((extfill >> k & 1)) break;

      aoff = (i - Rank(i)) & 7;
      rs_index = inv_rota1h8[i] - aoff*8;
      for(k = rs_index; 1;)
	//1. Check for overflow out of byte
	if(k < 0 || k > 7) break;

	//break if we are about to go off the edge of the real board
	if(Rank(rota1h8[k + aoff*8]) == RANK8 || File(rota1h8[k + aoff*8]) == FILEH)

	//Add square to attack list
	k++; ba_precomp[i][j] |= (zappa_u64)1 << rota1h8[k + aoff*8];

	//break on non-empty square
	if((extfill >> k & 1)) break;
      for(k = rs_index; 1;)
	//1. Check for overflow out of byte
	if(k < 0 || k > 7) break;

	//break if we are about to go off the edge of the real board
	if(Rank(rota1h8[k + aoff*8]) == RANK1 || File(rota1h8[k + aoff*8]) == FILEA)

	//Add square to attack list
	k--; ba_precomp[i][j] |= (zappa_u64)1 << rota1h8[k + aoff*8];

	//break on non-empty square
	if((extfill >> k & 1)) break;

  //Fill in at_compress table
  for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
    //Break down into attackers of each type
    pcomp = pawn_attackers(i);
    mcomp = knight_attackers(i) + bishop_attackers(i);
    rcomp = rook_attackers(i);
    qcomp = queen_attackers(i) + king_attackers(i);

    //Spill over into higher buckets && saturate
    if(pcomp > 1) { mcomp += pcomp - 1;  pcomp = 1; }
    if(mcomp > 3) { rcomp += mcomp - 3;  mcomp = 3; }
    if(rcomp > 1) { qcomp += rcomp - 1;  rcomp = 1; }
    qcomp = int_min(qcomp, 3);

    at_compress_table[i] = pcomp + 4*mcomp + 8*rcomp + 16*qcomp;

  p_rightmask  = 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7FULL;   //rightmask contains all the squares
not on the A file
  p_leftmask   = 0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEULL;   //leftmask contains all the squares
not on the H file
  p_allmask    = 0x7E7E7E7E7E7E7E7EULL;   //allmask contains all squares not on
the A or H files
  second_rank  = 0x000000000000FF00ULL;   //All squares on the second rank
  seventh_rank = 0x00FF000000000000ULL;   //All squares on the seventh rank

extern zappa_u8 is_horiz_slider[8];
extern zappa_u8 is_diag_slider[8];

void add_to_attack_table(zpos *p, int ptype, int id, int sq)
  int i, a;

  switch(ptype & 0xF)
  case BPAWN:    add_to_attack_table_bpawn(p, id, sq); break;
  case WPAWN:    add_to_attack_table_wpawn(p, id, sq); break;
  case BKNIGHT:
  case WKNIGHT:
  case BKING:
  case WKING:    add_to_attack_table_fixed(p, p->at[ptype & 1], id, ptype, sq);
  case BBISHOP:
  case BROOK:
  case BQUEEN:   add_to_attack_table_black_sweep(p, id, ptype, sq); break;
  case WBISHOP:
  case WROOK:
  case WQUEEN:   add_to_attack_table_white_sweep(p, id, ptype, sq); break;

  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for(a = (p->at[i][sq+64] >> 16) & p->slideridm[i]; a != 0; a &= a-1) {
      id = lead_one_32(a);  //shamelessly reusing a variable
     	remove_from_attack_table_xray(p, p->at[i], id, pl_ptype(p->pl[i][id]), sq,

//non-incremental version
void add_to_attack_table_noxray(zpos *p, int ptype, int id, int sq)
  switch(ptype & 0xF)
  case BPAWN:    add_to_attack_table_bpawn(p, id, sq); break;
  case WPAWN:    add_to_attack_table_wpawn(p, id, sq); break;
  case BKNIGHT:
  case WKNIGHT:
  case BKING:
  case WKING:    add_to_attack_table_fixed(p, p->at[ptype & 1], id, ptype, sq);
  case BBISHOP:
  case BROOK:
  case BQUEEN:   add_to_attack_table_black_sweep(p, id, ptype, sq); break;
  case WBISHOP:
  case WROOK:
  case WQUEEN:   add_to_attack_table_white_sweep(p, id, ptype, sq); break;
  default:       break;

void remove_from_attack_table(zpos *p, int sq)
  int i, id, ptype;
  unsigned int a;

  ptype = p->board[sq];
  id = p->pboard[sq];

  switch(ptype & 0xF)
  case BPAWN:    remove_from_attack_table_bpawn(p, id, sq); break;
  case WPAWN:    remove_from_attack_table_wpawn(p, id, sq); break;
  case BKNIGHT:
  case WKNIGHT:
  case BKING:
  case WKING:    remove_from_attack_table_fixed(p, p->at[ptype & 1], id, ptype,
sq);  break;
  case BBISHOP:
  case BROOK:
  case BQUEEN:   remove_from_attack_table_black_sweep(p, id, ptype, sq); break;
  case WBISHOP:
  case WROOK:
  case WQUEEN:   remove_from_attack_table_white_sweep(p, id, ptype, sq); break;

  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for(a = (p->at[i][sq+64] >> 16) & p->slideridm[i]; a != 0; a &= a-1) {
      id = lead_one_32(a);  //shamelessly reusing a variable
      add_to_attack_table_xray(p, p->at[i], id, pl_ptype(p->pl[i][id]), sq,

static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_xray(zpos * RESTRICT p, zappa_u32 *
RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq, int xsq)
  int dsq, rindex, ip, bc, cs, i;
  zappa_u32 mt, xid[2], xtype[6];
  zappa_u8 *move_table;


  //What type of ray are we?
  rindex = compress_gradient[(dsq = grad(xsq, sq)) + 9];

  //Check for early exit.  For example, if we are a Bishop on B7
  //and "xraying" H1, we clearly have no squares to update.  90% of the time not
  //so it shouldn't hurt the branch predictor too much.
  if((scan_edge_table[dsq+9] & edge_table[sq]) != 0)

  ip = (ptype >= BQUEEN);

  //Check to see if we directly attack the square - this means
  //we have to scan to find out our type.
  if((tbl[sq+64] & (tbl[sq+64] >> 16) & (1 << id)) == 0)
    //Another early exit case: We attacked through a pawn, e.g. B P p ->
    //we don't need to do anything at all.
    if((p->board[sq - dsq] >> 1) == PAWN)

    for(i = xsq+dsq; i != sq; i += dsq)
      ip |= (p->board[i] >= BQUEEN);

    ip |= 2; //We know we are xraying something, set xray bit.

  //OK, we know we are going to have to do some dirty work.

  //Initialize conditions
  bc = at_xray_add_xsquare[(ip << 6) + (ray_type_table[rindex] << 4) +
  cs = *(move_table = xray_slider_move_table[rindex][sq]) & 0x3F;

  //initialize type
  mt = at_inc(ptype);
  xtype[0] = mt;  xtype[1] = at_inc(BQUEEN); xtype[2] = mt - at_inc(BQUEEN);
  xtype[3] = xtype[4] = xtype[5] = 0;

  //initialize ID
  xid[0] = (1 << (id + 16)) | (1 << id);
  xid[1] = 1 << (id + 16);

  //Do the actual update
  do {
    tbl[cs]    += xtype[bc >> 2];
    tbl[cs+64] |= xid[bc & 1];
    bc          = (bc << 6) | ((*move_table & 0xC0) >> 2) | p->board[cs];
    bc          = at_xray_add_decision[bc];
    move_table += 1;
    cs          = *move_table & 0x3F;
  } while((bc & 0x80) == 0);

static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_xray(zpos * RESTRICT p,
zappa_u32 *RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq, int xsq)
  int dsq, rindex, ip, bc, cs, i;
  zappa_u32 mt, xid[2], xtype[6];
  zappa_u8 *move_table;


  //What type of ray are we?
  rindex = compress_gradient[(dsq = grad(xsq, sq)) + 9];

  //Check for early exit.  For example, if we are a Bishop on B7
  //and "xraying" H1, we clearly have no squares to update.  90% of the time not
  //so it shouldn't hurt the branch predictor too much.
  if((scan_edge_table[dsq+9] & edge_table[sq]) != 0)

  ip = (ptype >= BQUEEN);

  //Check to see if we directly attack the square - this means
  //we have to scan to find out our type.
  if((tbl[sq+64] & (tbl[sq+64] >> 16) & (1 << id)) == 0)
    //Another early exit case: We attacked through a pawn, e.g. B P p ->
    //we don't need to do anything at all.
    if((p->board[sq - dsq] >> 1) == PAWN)

    for(i = xsq+dsq; i != sq; i += dsq)
      ip |= (p->board[i] >= BQUEEN);

    ip |= 2; //We know we are xraying something, set xray bit.

  //OK, we know we are going to have to do some dirty work.

  //Initialize conditions
  bc = at_xray_rem_xsquare[(ip << 6) + (ray_type_table[rindex] << 4) +
  cs = *(move_table = xray_slider_move_table[rindex][sq]) & 0x3F;

  //initialize type
  mt = at_inc(ptype);
  xtype[0] = mt;  xtype[1] = at_inc(BQUEEN); xtype[2] = mt - at_inc(BQUEEN);
  xtype[3] = xtype[4] = xtype[5] = 0;

  //initialize ID
  xid[0] = ~(1 << id);                      //reset lower bit only
  xid[1] = ~((1 << (id + 16)) | (1 << id)); //reset both bits

  //Do the actual update
  do {
    tbl[cs]    -= xtype[bc >> 2];
    tbl[cs+64] &= xid[bc & 1];
    bc          = (bc << 6) | ((*move_table & 0xC0) >> 2) | p->board[cs];
    bc          = at_xray_rem_decision[bc];
    move_table += 1;
    cs          = *move_table & 0x3F;
  } while((bc & 0x80) == 0);

//Functions to add a piece to the attack tables

static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_wpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int id,
int sq)
	int aid = ((1 << 16) + 1) << id;

  if(!issquare_tr(sq)) {
    p->at[1][sq+9]    += at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[1][sq+9+64] += aid;

  if(!issquare_tl(sq)) {
    p->at[1][sq+7]    += at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[1][sq+7+64] += aid;

static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_bpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int id,
int sq)
	int aid = ((1 << 16) + 1) << id;

  if(!issquare_bl(sq)) {
    p->at[0][sq-9]    += at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[0][sq-9+64] += aid;

  if(!issquare_br(sq)) {
    p->at[0][sq-7]    += at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[0][sq-7+64] += aid;

static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_white_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int ptype, int sq)
  int target, cs, bc, pb, mt, _id, _xid;
  zappa_u32 xtype[5], xid[5];
  zappa_s8 * RESTRICT move_table;


  //Select which list of moves to use, initialize cs to first element and bc to
  bc = 0;
  cs = *(move_table = mgen_slider_move_table[(ptype >> 1) - BISHOP][sq]);

  _id  = (1 << id) | (1 << (id + 16));
  _xid = 1 << (id + 16);

  //Build our table on the fly.  This is actually pretty fast: no dependencies,
high IPC,
  //and it merges with the prologue anyway. Athlon can do two 32 bit
stores/cycle, P4 only one.
  xid[0] = _id;                                    xid[1] = xid[2] = xid[3] =
xid[4] = _xid;
  xtype[0] = xtype[1] = xtype[2] = at_inc(ptype);  xtype[3] = xtype[4] =

  //1 iteration is 18 cycles on an Athlon XP
  do {
    pb               = p->board[cs];
    mt               = *(move_table+32);
    p->at[1][cs]    += xtype[bc];
    p->at[1][cs+64] += xid[bc];
    bc               = (bc << 6) + (mt & 0x30) + pb;
    target           = mt & at_scan_skip_decision[bc];
    move_table      += 1;
    bc               = at_scan_bc_decision[bc];
    move_table      += target;
  } while((cs = *move_table) >= 0);

static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_black_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int ptype, int sq)
  int target, cs, bc, pb, mt, _id, _xid;
  zappa_u32 xtype[5], xid[5];
  zappa_s8 * RESTRICT move_table;


  //Select which list of moves to use, initialize cs to first element and bc to
  bc = 0;
  cs = *(move_table = mgen_slider_move_table[(ptype >> 1) - BISHOP][sq]);

  _id  = (1 << id) | (1 << (id + 16));
  _xid = 1 << (id + 16);

  //Build our table on the fly.  This is actually pretty fast: no dependencies,
high IPC,
  //and it merges with the prologue anyway. Athlon can do two 32 bit
stores/cycle, P4 only one.
  xid[0] = _id;                                    xid[1] = xid[2] = xid[3] =
xid[4] = _xid;
  xtype[0] = xtype[1] = xtype[2] = at_inc(ptype);  xtype[3] = xtype[4] =

  //1 iteration is 18 cycles on an Athlon XP
  do {
    pb               = p->board[cs];
    mt               = *(move_table+32);
    p->at[0][cs]    += xtype[bc];
    p->at[0][cs+64] += xid[bc];
    bc               = (bc << 6) + (mt & 0x30) + pb;
    target           = mt & at_scan_skip_decision[bc];
    move_table      += 1;
    bc               = at_scan_bc_decision[bc];
    move_table      += target;
  } while((cs = *move_table) >= 0);

//Sliders are annoying: fixed pieces are much more straightforward
static zforceinline void add_to_attack_table_fixed(zpos * RESTRICT p, zappa_u32
* RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq)
  int cs;
  zappa_u32 xid, type;
  zappa_s8 *move_table;

  xid = (1 << id) | (1 << (id + 16));
  type = at_inc(ptype);

  move_table = mgen_fixed_move_table[zt_fixed_index[ptype]][sq];
  cs = *move_table;

  do {
    tbl[cs]    += type;
    tbl[cs+64] += xid;
  } while((cs = *move_table) >= 0);

//Functions to remove a piece from the attack tables

static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_bpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int sq)
  int xid = ~((1 << (id + 16)) + (1 << id));

  if(!issquare_bl(sq)) {
    p->at[0][sq-9]    -= at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[0][sq-9+64] &= xid;

  if(!issquare_br(sq)) {
    p->at[0][sq-7]    -= at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[0][sq-7+64] &= xid;

static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_wpawn(zpos * RESTRICT p, int
id, int sq)
  int xid = ~((1 << (id + 16)) + (1 << id));

  if(!issquare_tr(sq)) {
    p->at[1][sq+9]    -= at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[1][sq+9+64] &= xid;

  if(!issquare_tl(sq)) {
    p->at[1][sq+7]    -= at_inc(BPAWN);
    p->at[1][sq+7+64] &= xid;

static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_white_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p,
int id, int ptype, int sq)
  int target, cs, bc, pb, mt, _id, _xid;
  zappa_u32 xtype[5], xid[5];
  zappa_s8 * RESTRICT move_table;


  //Select which list of moves to use, initialize cs to first element and bc to
  bc = 0;
  cs = *(move_table = mgen_slider_move_table[(ptype >> 1) - BISHOP][sq]);

  _id  = (1 << id) | (1 << (id + 16));
  _xid = 1 << (id + 16);

  //Build our table on the fly.  This is actually pretty fast: no dependencies,
high IPC,
  //and it merges with the prologue anyway. Athlon can do two 32 bit
stores/cycle, P4 only one.
  xid[0] = _id;                                    xid[1] = xid[2] = xid[3] =
xid[4] = _xid;
  xtype[0] = xtype[1] = xtype[2] = at_inc(ptype);  xtype[3] = xtype[4] =

  //1 iteration is 18 cycles on an Athlon XP
  do {
    pb               = p->board[cs];
    mt               = *(move_table+32);
    p->at[1][cs]    -= xtype[bc];
    p->at[1][cs+64] -= xid[bc];
    bc               = (bc << 6) + (mt & 0x30) + pb;
    target           = mt & at_scan_skip_decision[bc];
    move_table      += 1;
    bc               = at_scan_bc_decision[bc];
    move_table      += target;
  } while((cs = *move_table) >= 0);

static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_black_sweep(zpos * RESTRICT p,
int id, int ptype, int sq)
  int target, cs, bc, pb, mt, _id, _xid;
  zappa_u32 xtype[5], xid[5];
  zappa_s8 * RESTRICT move_table;


  //Select which list of moves to use, initialize cs to first element and bc to
  bc = 0;
  cs = *(move_table = mgen_slider_move_table[(ptype >> 1) - BISHOP][sq]);

  _id  = (1 << id) | (1 << (id + 16));
  _xid = 1 << (id + 16);

  //Build our table on the fly.  This is actually pretty fast: no dependencies,
high IPC,
  //and it merges with the prologue anyway. Athlon can do two 32 bit
stores/cycle, P4 only one.
  xid[0] = _id;                                    xid[1] = xid[2] = xid[3] =
xid[4] = _xid;
  xtype[0] = xtype[1] = xtype[2] = at_inc(ptype);  xtype[3] = xtype[4] =

  //1 iteration is 18 cycles on an Athlon XP
  do {
    pb               = p->board[cs];
    mt               = *(move_table+32);
    p->at[0][cs]    -= xtype[bc];
    p->at[0][cs+64] -= xid[bc];
    bc               = (bc << 6) + (mt & 0x30) + pb;
    target           = mt & at_scan_skip_decision[bc];
    move_table      += 1;
    bc               = at_scan_bc_decision[bc];
    move_table      += target;
  } while((cs = *move_table) >= 0);

//Sliders are annoying: fixed pieces are much more straightforward
static zforceinline void remove_from_attack_table_fixed(zpos * RESTRICT p,
zappa_u32 * RESTRICT tbl, int id, int ptype, int sq)
  int cs;
  zappa_u32 xid, type;
  zappa_s8 *move_table;


	xid = (1 << id) | (1 << (id + 16));
	type = at_inc(ptype);

  move_table = mgen_fixed_move_table[zt_fixed_index[ptype]][sq];
  cs = *move_table;

  do {
    tbl[cs]    -= type;
    tbl[cs+64] -= xid;
  } while((cs = *move_table) >= 0);

void print_attack_table_profile_info(void)
	printf("Sweep square average: %f\n", (float)((double)(at_sweep_squares) /
	printf("Fixed square average: %f\n", (float)((double)(at_fixed_squares) /
	printf("Xray  square average: %f\n", (float)((double)(at_xray_squares)  /
	printf("Sweep Calls: %d\n", (int)at_sweep_calls);
	printf("Fixed Calls: %d\n", (int)at_fixed_calls);
	printf("Xray Calls:  %d\n", (int)at_xray_calls);

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

Current Computer Chess Club Forums at Talkchess. This site by Sean Mintz.