Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Moderator view

Author: Richard Pijl

Date: 06:47:04 05/15/04

Go up one level in this thread

On May 15, 2004 at 08:20:40, K. Burcham wrote:

>On May 15, 2004 at 07:17:56, steven blincoe wrote:
>>Please email me if you are interested in selling your old chess computer(s)
>>i am searching for many makes and models
>>Cash Available
>I have laughed at some of the moderation in the past.
>As moderators come and go, I never know what to expect here.
>It is very funny that these people allow you to run a business here.
>It is very funny that you post guessing games to mask your money making.
>I and many others here, would pay cash for any old chess computers that are
>selling for a cheap price, but I am not going to run a business out of this
>good luck with your chess computer profits (LOL) from the guys in this forum.

I'm only one of the moderators, but I'm quite certain the others share this
viewpoint (even without asking :-))
Steven is a collector and hasn't offered anything for sale. As long as these
threads are limited to him showing his interest in _buying_ old chess computers
in general and asking people to contact him by email, this is no problem.

As soon as he starts selling products, or asks for non-chess related goods, that
makes it very different.

In the future, if you have a problem with posts of one of the member: Use the
moderator form. That is a better way of attracting moderator attention to a post
you may consider dubious, than replying on a post.

Richard Pijl.

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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