Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Big winboard Tournament at level 40/40 (504 games !!)

Author: James Robertson

Date: 23:05:49 12/17/98

Go up one level in this thread

On December 18, 1998 at 01:33:32, Kai Skibbe wrote:

>In the next two month I play a big winboard tournament with Frank Quisinsky.
>This tournament will be a swiss tournament of 9 rounds. Each round we will play
>4 games on a AMD K6-II 333MHz and 4 games on a AMD K6-II 385MHz. So we will
>get 8 (games per pairing) * 7 (pairings per round) * 9 (rounds) = 504 games.
>Level is 40 moves in 40 minutes with pondering off.
>All engines are configured to use about 32MB for hashtables and to use
>tablebases if supported. Updates after each round are allowed and we will
>the pairings and results after each round on the web page of Djordje Vidanovic.
>The link is
>Most programs are on the web page of Djordje for free download. So check it
>Participiants are :
>1     Francesca 0.63a
>2     Crafty 16.01
>3     Bionic Impakt 4.01
>4     Comet32 A.98
>5     Phalanx 19
>6     Patzer 2.99 zq
>7     Little Goliath 1.33
>8     TheCrazyBishop 0042
>9     Ant 3.42
>10    LambChop 6.90
>11    GromitX 2.0
>12    ZChess 1.0
>13    Exchess 2.51
>14    LaDameBlanche 2.0
>Pairings for the first round :
>Francesca 0.63a       -   TheCrazyBishop 0042
>Ant 3.42              -   Crafty 16.01
>Bionic Impakt 4.01    -   LambChop 6.90
>GromitX 2.0           -   Comet32 A.98
>Phalanx 19            -   ZChess 1.0
>ExChess 2.51          -   Patzer 2.99 zq
>Little Goliath 1.33   -   LaDameBlanche 2.0
>Thanks in advance to all programmers for supporting us !
>Best regards
>Kai and Frank

Sounds Awesome! Who are Bionic Impakt and LaDameBlanche? I have never seen them
before. Also, is it possible to download Patzer?


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