Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Moderator questions

Author: Lanny DiBartolomeo

Date: 17:41:35 12/19/98

Go up one level in this thread

On December 14, 1998 at 18:44:12, Dann Corbit wrote:

>I think the real problem is that some are going to color decisions based on the
>full scope of information available.  To imagine that we can simply ignore all
>knowlege of someone who is operating as a complete whinging twit elsewhere and
>make a rational decision based purely on logic and data available at this forum
>is not realistic for some, myself included.  If I think someone is a bad egg and
>they act up here, I would simply be more inclined to take harsh action.  Human
>nature (at least *my* human nature) will probably get in the way of a stoic
>Even if we think we can completely detach ourselves, is it really honest to
>think so?  On the one hand, I greatly prize the value of freeness of speach.  On
>the other hand, this entire forum was invented simply because r.g.c.c. was being
>used as an outhouse.  The job of the moderator is to prevent ccc from becoming
>an outhouse, so that some new solution does not have to be invented.
>Brains being what they are, and mine being a bit defective, renders completely
>detached decision makeing a very difficult process.  Others may be able to do
>so, based (perhaps) on their personalities.
Maybe true but you have a choice as too let it influence your decision to let
someone in here as a member Fair is Fair

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