Author: Robert Hyatt
Date: 21:16:30 12/19/98
Go up one level in this thread
On December 19, 1998 at 20:50:14, Lanny DiBartolomeo wrote: > >The thing is if you give a new poster 3 chances then you give another new poster >3 chances if you "know" how he is or not it works here because you dont have to >worry about daughters or cats or kids this is not as threatning as the others so >it is VERY easy to know how to be fair here. Never said otherwise. However if someone misbehaves twice "over there" and once "over here" I'd say that is equivalent to misbehaving three times "over there" or "over here"... That's where this discussion started off, and where it has circled back around to again... To be a "judge" you don't need to use "tunnel vision"... use the peripheral vision to see "as much as possible". Extra data never hurts...
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