Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Dedicated-Stand Alone- Chess Computers wanted

Author: steven blincoe

Date: 15:18:15 05/30/04

Go up one level in this thread

hi Dan

>That's some trade!;-)
>None of these units were sold, if I'm not mistaken, and only a couple exist.
>I've seen photographs of the Handroid, with its owner.

exactly correct..i see you know your stuff..

>Who owns its twin?

to this day the location of the second protoype remains a mystery..even harder
to find then the Holy Grail

>BTW did you test your Excel Mach III and Mach IV on the mate in 11 composition?

no not yet..
been busy doing my post winter "annual check up" of many the of the wooden
some new defects to report



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