Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 14:18:58 06/02/04
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On June 02, 2004 at 17:16:15, Dan Wulff wrote: >Hi! > >I've been thinking about using performance rating to select moves for Gandalf's >opening book, but I cannot seem to find the correct way to calculate the >performance rating od a given move. > >Say a 2600 player wins a game against an 2500 opponent, starting with 1. e4, >what would the performance rating be after that ?? > >I've been looking at the ratings in the CB GUI, but sometimees, when only one >game has been played, the Performance is over 3200, which I cannot seem to fit >into the ELO rating formula, where the highest possible gain/loss for a single >game is 16 ELO points. > >Am I going about this in a completely wrong manner, or does performance rating >have nothing whatsoever to do with ELO rating ?? I don't think that you can make a measurement based on a single point, but you have to consider all the points together for Elo to make sense. However, you can have some kind of ranking for overachieving or underachieving and also a ranking based on the Elo of the player/engine making the choice. Another thing maybe worth a look is the average Elo of the person choosing a move.
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