Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Performance rating calculation

Author: Mike Byrne

Date: 17:34:36 06/02/04

Go up one level in this thread

On June 02, 2004 at 20:28:10, Mike Byrne wrote:

>On June 02, 2004 at 17:16:15, Dan Wulff wrote:
>>I've been thinking about using performance rating to select moves for Gandalf's
>>opening book, but I cannot seem to find the correct way to calculate the
>>performance rating od a given move.
>>Say a 2600 player wins a game against an 2500 opponent, starting with 1. e4,
>>what would the performance rating be after that ??
>>I've been looking at the ratings in the CB GUI, but sometimees, when only one
>>game has been played, the Performance is over 3200, which I cannot seem to fit
>>into the ELO rating formula, where the highest possible gain/loss for a single
>>game is 16 ELO points.
>>Am I going about this in a completely wrong manner, or does performance rating
>>have nothing whatsoever to do with ELO rating ??
>>Dan Wulff
>>(The Gandalf Team)
>A simplified method to calcualte rating performance is to take all the opponents
>ratings and subtract 400 points as the base.  Then for every draw add 400 points
>and for every win add 800 points as  a bonus.
>all e4 games
>(result of white
>w/l/d    opponent rating   base bonus  total
>w            2600           2200   800  3000
>l            2600           2200     0  2200
>d            2600           2200   400  2600
>1-1-1        2600           6600  1200  7800/3 == 2600
>more complex example
>            result (1,0l,0.5)   opp rating       base         bonus        pref
>                0               2562          2162         0            2162
>                1               2433          2033         800          2833
>                1               2449          2049         800          2849
>                1               2581          2181         800          2981
>                0.5             2552          2152         400          2552
>                1               2592          2192         800          2992
>                1               2587          2187         800          2987
>                1               2401          2001         800          2801
>                0               2414          2014         0            2014
>                1               2575          2175         800          2975
>                0.5             2430          2030         400          2430
>                0.5             2590          2190         400          2590
>                0               2459          2059         0            2059
>                0               2491          2091         0            2091
>                0.5             2468          2068         400          2468
>                0               2540          2140         0            2140
>                1               2597          2197         800          2997
>                0               2470          2070         0            2070
>                1               2571          2171         800          2971
>                0.5             2571          2171         400          2571
>                0.5             2481          2081         400          2481
>                0               2483          2083         0            2083
>                0.5             2529          2129         400          2529
>                1               2409          2009         800          2809
>                1               2459          2059         800          2859
>                0.5             2408          2008         400          2408
>                0               2448          2048         0            2048
>                0.5             2508          2108         400          2508
>                0               2465          2065         0            2065
>                0.5             2435          2035         400          2435
>                0               2437          2037         0            2037
>                0.5             2415          2015         400          2415
>                0.5             2455          2055         400          2455
>                0.5             2562          2162         400          2562
>                0.5             2497          2097         400          2497
>                0.5             2454          2054         400          2454
>                0               2406          2006         0            2006
>                0.5             2585          2185         400          2585
>                0.5             2445          2045         400          2445
>                0.5             2474          2074         400          2474
>                0               2445          2045         0            2045
>                0.5             2464          2064         400          2464
>                1               2547          2147         800          2947
>                0               2542          2142         0            2142
>                1               2539          2139         800          2939
>                1               2541          2141         800          2941
>                1               2456          2056         800          2856
>                1               2564          2164         800          2964
>                0.5             2431          2031         400          2431
>                0.5             2515          2115         400          2515
>                0.5             2476          2076         400          2476
>                0               2515          2115         0            2115
>                0.5             2528          2128         400          2528
>                1               2425          2025         800          2825
>                0               2482          2082         0            2082
>                0.5             2525          2125         400          2525
>                0.5             2512          2112         400          2512
>                0               2469          2069         0            2069
>                0.5             2524          2124         400          2524
>                1               2459          2059         800          2859
>                0               2472          2072         0            2072
>                0               2462          2062         0            2062
>                0.5             2426          2026         400          2426
>                0.5             2524          2124         400          2524
>                0.5             2403          2003         400          2403
>                0.5             2447          2047         400          2447
>                0               2555          2155         0            2155
>                1               2542          2142         800          2942
>                0.5             2426          2026         400          2426
>                1               2472          2072         800          2872
>                0.5             2538          2138         400          2538
>                1               2589          2189         800          2989
>                0.5             2580          2180         400          2580
>                1               2408          2008         800          2808
>                1               2576          2176         800          2976
>                0               2439          2039         0            2039
>                1               2456          2056         800          2856
>                0               2587          2187         0            2187
>                0.5             2546          2146         400          2546
>                0.5             2411          2011         400          2411
>                1               2425          2025         800          2825
>                1               2511          2111         800          2911
>                1               2545          2145         800          2945
>                0.5             2404          2004         400          2404
>                0.5             2501          2101         400          2501
>                1               2485          2085         800          2885
>                1               2576          2176         800          2976
>                0.5             2577          2177         400          2577
>                0.5             2452          2052         400          2452
>                0.5             2466          2066         400          2466
>                0.5             2473          2073         400          2473
>                0.5             2425          2025         400          2425
>                0.5             2511          2111         400          2511
>                1               2439          2039         800          2839
>                0               2491          2091         0            2091
>                1               2596          2196         800          2996
>                0.5             2564          2164         400          2564
>                0               2549          2149         0            2149
>                1               2515          2115         800          2915
>                ==============================================================
>total or avg    54              2470          2074         432          2531
>there are other ways to do this, but this is very simple to set up in a
>speadsheet as you mulitly the bonus by the result (1,0,1/2) add the base (opp
>rating -400) to get the individual game performace rating and then just average
>the performace ratings

sorry for the typos - and the reason why 2470-2074 =!400 is due to rounding - I
set the example up using a RNG

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