Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CCC Moderators Elected!!

Author: Will Singleton

Date: 17:08:31 12/30/98

Go up one level in this thread

On December 30, 1998 at 17:54:06, Steven Schwartz wrote:

>My congratulations to Peter McKenzie, Harold Faber,
>and Will Singleton. You have been elected as the
>three CCC moderators for the term of 6 months
>beginning on January 1, 1999.
>Since Peter is New Zealand, Harold is in Germany, and
>Will is in Los Angeles, we now have the entire spectrum
>of time zones covered.
>The email addresses of the newly elected moderators are:
>Peter McKenzie:
>Harold Faber:
>Will Singleton:
>My thanks to all of the nominees. I, personally, think
>that you all would hve done an excellent job!
>- Steve (ICD/Your Move)
>P.S. The final results of the voting my be found in the
>Opinion Poll archives - just scroll to the bottom.

Steve (and all),

Please note that my correct email address is  The one you gave,
Steve, was an old one from way back.

I'm not sure I should be thankful for being elected, but thanks to all, anyway.
In return I'd like to offer a small gift to the first person who can figure out
what my email address means (not the aol part).  Respond by email, please.

The gift is a book I got back in 1982, "The Soul of a New Machine" by Tracy
Kidder.  It's about the development of a Data General computer in the 70's, and
the survival of the company.  Any programmer would love this book, and
non-programmers will like it, too.


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