Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Negascout == PVS (with references)

Author: Fabien Letouzey

Date: 05:47:01 07/28/04

Go up one level in this thread

On July 28, 2004 at 08:20:00, Dennis Breuker wrote:

>They are identical, see note 15 on page 22 of my thesis
>(freely downloadable from

><begin quote>
>We note that the version of principal-variation search as mentioned
>by Marsland (1986) is identical to the version of negascout as mentioned
>by Reinefeld (1989). We use the 1989 reference instead of 1983, which was
>the first source of this algorithm, since the algorithm described in
>Reinefeld (1983) contains minor errors.
><end quote>

Can you confirm that PVS re-searches with window (value,beta), and not
(alpha,beta) as I claim, in Marsland's article?



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