Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CCC Moderators Elected!!

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 01:19:48 12/31/98

Go up one level in this thread

On December 30, 1998 at 17:54:06, Steven Schwartz wrote:

>My congratulations to Peter McKenzie, Harold Faber,
>and Will Singleton. You have been elected as the
>three CCC moderators for the term of 6 months
>beginning on January 1, 1999.
>Since Peter is New Zealand, Harold is in Germany, and
>Will is in Los Angeles, we now have the entire spectrum
>of time zones covered.
>The email addresses of the newly elected moderators are:
>Peter McKenzie:
>Harold Faber:
>Will Singleton:
>My thanks to all of the nominees. I, personally, think
>that you all would hve done an excellent job!
>- Steve (ICD/Your Move)
>P.S. The final results of the voting my be found in the
>Opinion Poll archives - just scroll to the bottom.

I would like to wish them all good luck, and express my appreciation that they
and the other candidates were willing to volunteer for a job that is very

Wow, I managed to say that last bit with a straight face.


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