Author: Alessandro Scotti
Date: 08:03:12 08/24/04
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On August 24, 2004 at 10:39:52, Tom Likens wrote: >On August 24, 2004 at 08:45:56, Alessandro Scotti wrote: > >>What value do you return when you find a mate in the quiesce search? I used to >>return a "mate" score but then I found this is not correct because many paths >>were not considered in quiesce, so sometimes I got a "mate in n" score at the >>root which wasn't really a forced mate. I've patched the bug by returning a >>fixed value for now, but... which value is best? > >If you generate all replies to check in your qsearch this becomes a >non-issue. I do generate all replies to check in quiesce, but I think that my problems are caused by examining only the "good capture" moves versus all moves, which would be required to return a mate score. In other words my quiesce tells me: "all the moves I examined lead to mate", but the moves it examines are only a subset of all possible moves.
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