Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Finding mate in the quiesce search

Author: Alessandro Scotti

Date: 08:34:31 08/24/04

Go up one level in this thread

On August 24, 2004 at 11:24:28, Anthony Cozzie wrote:

>On August 24, 2004 at 10:40:15, Alessandro Scotti wrote:
>>Ok but then you don't propagate the mate score out of the quiesce, right?
>And why not?

Well if I knew why I wouldn't be asking! (*) :-)

For now my reason is: there is no proof that a score is mate out of quiesce,
because quiesce doesn't examine all possible moves but only part of them. After
reading several replies this doesn't seem to be a popular opinion, though, but
that's how I see things at present...

(*) Hope English tenses are correct here!

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