Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Qsearch Checks

Author: Peter Fendrich

Date: 06:30:23 08/30/04

Go up one level in this thread

On August 30, 2004 at 08:17:35, Anthony Cozzie wrote:

- snip -
>I have investigated autotuning pretty thoroughly, and I don't think any method
>that involves playing games will work.  The problem is that you have to play _so
>many_ games that it takes forever.  I posted my autotuning algorithm (actually a
>bit of a tweak on what the deep blue guys did) a while back.  You can probably
>find it in the search engine; it works really well.  The only thing it doesn't
>do well is PSTs, because it tends to overfit (you need a _lot_ of games to get
>PSTs right).

What's PSTs?

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