Author: Robert Hyatt
Date: 12:57:24 09/09/04
Go up one level in this thread
On September 09, 2004 at 15:55:36, Michael Henderson wrote: >On September 09, 2004 at 15:47:39, Robert Hyatt wrote: > >>On September 09, 2004 at 15:19:57, José Antônio Fabiano Mendes wrote: >> >>> GM Tony Miles vs Deep Thought, 1989 >>> [D]r4rk1/ppB2pp1/2nb3p/8/2B5/2N2P2/PP1n1P1P/2KR3R b >>> Source ==> >>> >>>Now Black, it appears, must choose between 14...Nxc4 15.Bxd6 Nxd6 16.Rxd6, or >>>14...Bxc7 15.Kxd2.In either case, he stands better; but his opponent, who has >>>been able to maintain the material balance, has hopes of saving himself. >>> >>>On the other hand, several pieces are still en prise, so they’re “desperadoes,” >>>capable of anything. Black found a completely unexpected blow, guaranteeing him >>>a healthy extra pawn. >>> >>>14...Bd6xh2!! 15.Bc7xh2 >>> >>>15.Rxd2 Bxc7 could hardly be called better. And one more “desperado” – 15.Bxf7+ >>>Rxf7 16.Bxh2 – doesn’t help: after 16...Nxf3, White is a pawn down again. >>> >>>15...Nd2xc4 16.Rd1-d7 b7-b6 >>> >>>And Black eventually converted the extra pawn. >>> >>>Oh – and I nearly forgot to tell you who was Black. It was the computer, Deep >>>Thought (the predecessor to Deep Blue, which beat Garry Kasparov in a match). >>>You can understand that, for a computer, with no human habits or prejudices to >>>shake off, finding a move like 14...Bxh2!! would not be difficult. I hope, after >>>reading this piece, that making similar imaginative decisions will become easier >>>for you, as well. >> >>The problem here is that this is a completely trivial move for a computer to >>find. It might have been surprising back then, considering the very slow PC >>hardware that was around, but Crafty finds this instantly today, marking it as >>"easy" for most any program... >> > >my program Pluto finds Bxh2 at depth=1 withs score 100+, for some reason--is it >that easy to find or do I have a bug?: > >--Pluto(C) v 1.10-- This is partially about evaluation, partially about tactics. There are a couple of ways to win a pawn. One appears better (to me) than the other. But early on, Crafty flip/flops between two different captures until it gets deep enough to realize that Bxh2 is better by some amount... >DOS or Winboard mode? >xboard >setboard r4rk1/ppB2pp1/2nb3p/8/2B5/2N2P2/PP1n1P1P/2KR3R b >analyze >1 118 0 4055 d6h2 >2 138 0 90 d6h2 c4f7 >3 138 1 1354 d6h2 c4f7 g8f7 h1h2 d2f3 >4 128 1 4161 d6h2 d1d2 h2c7 d2d7 >5 135 4 12624 d6h2 c7h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 >6 121 12 29556 d6h2 c7h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 h2f4 >7 133 29 76502 d6h2 c7h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 h2f4 a7a6 >8 131 68 177090 d6h2 c7h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 h2f4 a8d8 d7c7 >9 132 159 391981 d6h2 h1h2 d2c4 d1d7 f8e8 h2h4 c6a5 c7a5 c4a5 >10 136 404 1095268 d6h2 h1h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 f3f4 f8e8 h2h5 e8e7 h5d5 e7d7 d5d7 >11 137 948 2360233 d6h2 h1h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 h2h5 f8e8 h5h4 c4e5 c7e5 c6e5 >12 133 2100 5062550 d6h2 h1h2 d2c4 d1d7 b7b6 f3f4 f8e8 b2b3 c4a5 h2h3 e8e7 h3d3 >e7d7 d3d7
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