Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Deep Blue vs. Kasparov, Match II/1997, Game 6 8. Nxe6

Author: Stuart Cracraft

Date: 01:50:27 10/02/04

[D] r1bqkb1r/pp1n1pp1/2p1pn1p/6N1/3P4/3B1N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - bm Nxe6

(Not sure all the above flags are right but castling privileges were
available x4 as I recall.)

Okay my simple program can't find Nxe6 over-the-board. I'm wondering
a few things. Did DB find this over-the-board or did it have a book
move? I should look at the logs again but am a bit lazy as it's close
to 2am. What is necessary in a program to find Nxe6? Keeping the
king in the center with the big guns around it perhaps but how do you
quantify it in your program that gets Nxe6 over the board

 1/ 4  g5e4  0.00   45       90 g5e4
 2/ 8  g5e4  0.01   34      609 g5e4 f8b4
 3/ 9  g5e4  0.03   37     2799 g5e4 f6e4 d3e4 f8e7
 4/13  g5e4  0.05   37     7957 g5e4 f6e4 d3e4 f8e7 e1g1
 5/13  g5e4  0.17   14    37048 g5e4 f6e4 d3e4 d7f6 e4d3 f6d5
 6/15  g5e4  0.32   21    71479 g5e4 f6e4 d3e4 d7f6 e4d3 f8b4 c2c3 b4e7
 7/17  g5e4  2.00   18   538781 g5e4 c6c5 c1e3 f6e4 d3e4 c5d4 e3d4 d7f6 d4f6
 8/18  g5e4  4.04   19   967773 g5e4 c6c5 e1g1 c5d4 f3d4 f6e4 d3e4 e6e5 d4f5
 9/23  g5e4 31.30   18  4831872 g5e4 f6e4 d3e4 c6c5 e1g1 c5d4 d1d4 f7f5 e4d3
10/25  g5e4 255.28   19 40115844 g5e4 c6c5 e4f6 g7f6 c2c3 c5d4 c3d4 f8b4 e1f1
                                 e6e5 f1g1 h6h5
11/29  g5e4 503.44   19 83075872 g5e4 c6c5 e4f6 g7f6 c2c3 c5d4 c3d4 f8b4 e1f1
                                 e6e5 f1g1

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