Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: New Version: FORTRESS V1.5, the new Morphy?

Author: Matthew Herman

Date: 13:18:29 01/15/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 15, 1999 at 14:06:39, Dann Corbit wrote:

>On January 15, 1999 at 13:50:14, Alessandro Damiani wrote:
>>On January 15, 1999 at 13:43:40, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>>GNUChess is a *pansy*.
>>>Try it against a real program.
>>>A 3 or better score in a ten game match against commercial programs or crafty
>>>would be impressive.
>>Sorry, GNU chess was the only one I had to test with. I don't buy a commercial
>>one only for testing.
>>I will test it against Crafty, thank you.
>There are some other strong, freely available programs as well.
>Phalanx springs to mind.  Look here for more information:
>Look here for some other freely available programs you can get:
>If you check around a bit you might find a good matchup.

I couldn't find it at .. the one at the top
is faile.. where else can I find fortress1.5?

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