Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Chessbase 9 (protection)

Author: Odd Gunnar Malin

Date: 01:13:47 11/18/04


Anyone having Chessbase 9 that could tell if there is a need to have the cd/dvd
in the tray when using the program?
As most of you know I'm a CA user, but my son want CB. (I guess he have ambition
to beat me some day.)
A database tool like this is typical brought with you on a tournament in a
laptop, so a refill scheme is probably to much hassle too. I know, I have some
program that have this scheme and the need for refill is always when you are
away from home.

I bought the new CM10k which need the CD into the try every time and this
downgrade the product almost to not be used at all. I looked through the new
lectures but thats all I have used it for.

Odd Gunnar

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