Author: Clive Munro
Date: 03:29:51 11/22/04
Go up one level in this thread
On November 22, 2004 at 06:07:27, Thorsten Czub wrote: >i guess they cannot make enough money anymore. > >in the 80ties they sold dedicated machines for 200-1000 EURO/$. > >Today for this money you get a complete PC. > >I guess they cannot sell enough units that they get their investment >of building a new module, back. > >IMO the pocket pc's / palms are ONE reason a dedicated machine makes not much >sense anymore. > >instead of buying a module for Mephisto/Saitek boards that ocsts 200 $, >you can better buy a palm and hiarcs9 or tiger15 for palm and it is cheaper and >maybe even stronger. > >IMO what we would need is an interface that allows to connect the palm >with an electronic board. But - this is on the market, isn't it ? Now that would be nice. But I still think that people want a good m/c that plays chess on a nice board and doesn’t keep addresses, dates and all the other paraphernalia that comes with a Palm device. I wonder what the sales are like on the Novag Sapphire? This costs more than a Palm device and plays weaker chess! Also the display is not as good but they still sell it because it’s dedicated.
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