Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The Death knell of strong dedicated chess computers?

Author: Rex

Date: 07:03:22 11/22/04

Go up one level in this thread

On November 22, 2004 at 05:06:15, Clive Munro wrote:

>It saddens me to see the decline of the strong dedicated chess computer. Yet I
>see no real reason for it. Of course we all know that the “PC rules ok” but I
>disagree. All we really need is an injection of enthusiasm by the chess
>manufactures. I cannot believe that there would not be enough interest for a
>very strong dedicated m/c not to make it a viable proposition. After all
>manufactures like Siatek have all the infrastructure in place. I mean how much
>can it really cost them to produce a new m/c? They can use their existing
>Mephisto Exclusive board, processors and ram are dirt-cheap and I am sure there
>are plenty of programmers willing to even give them a programme they can use!
>After all if Ruud Martin can make one from home what can a company like Siatek
>do? You only have to look at the interest a good machine generates on E-Bay to
>see that there is a viable market. Upgrades for your dedicated m/c could be
>supplied via a PC ROM update. I am sure plenty of people would pay a reasonable
>amount to update their m/c’s via this method and a good profit could be had for
>the manufacturer by releasing the update on CD-ROM.
>So come on you suits in the boardroom stop rebadging old stock and come up with

something new for a change!

I am ready to purchase one!!!

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