Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Dedicated Chess Computers - Fidelity

Author: Charlie GOLD

Date: 07:20:57 01/18/99

     Sid Samole started Fidelity back in 1976/7 with the Chess Challenger I. It
was a plastic unit with wood pieces and a "wood" border. Input was key-in. They
were produced with a flaw...the coordinates were reversed; a-h going up and 1-8
sidewise. It had one level of play and no other features. It only operated on
the mains. It was the FIRST commercial micro chess computer on the market.
     In 1977 the company came out with the Chess Challenger III ( I don't know
of a two) which was the same physically, had the same features, plus 3 levels of
play, monitor mode, position verification, and the coordinates corrected. It,
also, ran on mains only.
     In 1978/9 they came out with the CC7-the same as the first two but the
pieces were now plastic. It had all the features of the 3 plus 7 levels of play
(interchangeable during play), set-up mode, mate in 2, sound control, change
sides, and a small opening book. It still only ran on mains.
     Stay tuned for more exciting?! news about Chess Challengers...

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