Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What has this Garbage to do with Computer Chess?

Author: Steve B

Date: 05:20:03 12/17/04

Go up one level in this thread

>            Mr. Derrick.Wrong,I am interessed in dedicated units.
>            What's more I find Steve's stories and comments extremely
>            interresting.
>            Alan

thanks Alan
i find your posts as well as the posting's  of all those interested in the old
computers to be highly interesting and informative
bewteen all of the members here who are interested in the dedicated units(which
includes ,a current moderator as well as the coordinator of both forums(Herr
Villegas) as well as the sponser..ICD.. )i think we have a nice group of members
who contribute on a dialy basis to the excellent hobby of dedicated computer

the chief difference between dedicated units and their younger siblings ..pc
chess that the old computers are about playing chess..while the pc
progs are about Speed and hardware..Chess is merely the game chosen

as Professor Watters as opined in this forumn..any difficult game could be
chosen by the pc community

i would add that even if the Chinese  game of GO  were the focus of this forum
most of the posts would be exactly the same..
installation glitchs
positions posted with cries to "start your engines!!

however i am willing to let the uninteresting topic of PC CHESS Software exist
in this forum as i feel a sort of PARTERNAL instinct to it
after all pc chess progs are an outgrowth of the dedicated chess computer market

a deformed child.. yes but a child..none the less


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