Author: Sylvain Renard
Date: 16:38:47 01/20/99
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>You can use the driver together with Fritz and compare, but a driver >written for a specific program will, if the programmers do a good job, >be better then a generic driver. Hello, that's what I wanted to say. But you have done a good work! >I haven't done any scientific tests on speed, but I've tried to move pawns >out as quickly as I can, like a3,a6,b3 etc, in order to see where to moves >starts to get lost. I am not really satisfied with Fritz driver. It gets lost sometimes if you move a piece very quickly after you play the computer's move. And I don't understand why because with the program Queen, the position on the board is always perfectly detected. >It would be interesting to know what hardware and software you used >when you tried the driver and found it slow. >If you've time and want to, you can send the info to me: My computer is a Pentium Pro 200 MHz, and I tried the generic driver with ChessBase 7.0 and Winboard 4.0 Best regards, Sylvain Renard
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