Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Why a Pawn Center?

Author: David Blackman

Date: 19:34:08 01/20/99

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On January 20, 1999 at 12:58:08, Laurence Chen wrote:

>This is one of the elements in chess which is very difficult to understand, it
>still puzzles me a lot. The problem is how do you know that you got control of
>center? Is there a way to measure this, if so, how?

The easy way to tell a computer about this is just to give it a medium to large
bonus for pawn on the 4 centre squares (e4, e5, d4, d5), and smaller bonuses for
pawns on squares near the centre (maybe c3, c4, d3, e3, f4 for white). A bonus
for knights near the centre helps too.

This is pretty basic, and i'm sure some of the top programs do a lot more than
this, but even this gives a program some idea of centre control if it's done at
the end of a 10 ply search.

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