Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: DGT vs Novag Universal

Author: Hannu Wegner

Date: 11:26:26 01/21/99

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Hi Rolf,

I see you are back from your holidays. I hope you remember that we discussed the
possibility of a generic Tasc-driver or a generc autoplayer. Did you try to make
such a driver allready? If I can help somehow please tell me.

Best greetings,
Hannu Wegner

On January 20, 1999 at 16:01:24, Rolf Gustafsson wrote:

>On January 20, 1999 at 15:15:49, Michael Ginat wrote:
>>On January 20, 1999 at 12:05:53, Rolf Gustafsson wrote:
>>>On January 20, 1999 at 08:01:31, Sylvain Renard wrote:
>>>>On January 19, 1999 at 19:49:26, Michael Ginat wrote:
>>Thanks guys.
>>I don't have a problem with a delay of a couple of seconds - if that was
>>happening I could give myself a couple of minutes extra in a user defined timed
>>I had another thought - DGT states on their web site that they did not put in
>>LED's because of tournaments. I wonder why they didn't think of including LED's
>>with a simple switch to deactivate them when needed! Is that too futuristic of
>  I know that DGT are working on ways to give feedback
>to the player, so things will (hopefully) change.
>I don't work for them, so I can't give any details nor a timeframe.
>  What I can say is that my personal opinion, as a DGT-board owner, is
>that the lack of LEDs is sometime exagerated.
>I've played alot of chess computers and the ones that has had LEDs
>I sometimes when I'm playing notice that I've "stopped thinking" and
>are only concentrating on when a LED will light up.
>It's like looking "through" the position and on the LEDs.
>This is mostly on boards with LEDs in every square, or every corner
>of the squares.
>On the other hand when I'm playing with the DGT-board I usually continue
>to contemplate the position and are only disturbed when the computer
>beeps/talks/flashes the screen or whatever.
>It's not true that you need to "glare at the screen" while the computer
>are thinking.
>This is my personal opinion and I'm sure there are people with
>other views.
> Regards,
>  Rolf G.

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