Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Which Mephisto Version Beat Deep Thought?

Author: Mike Byrne

Date: 20:09:02 01/04/05

Go up one level in this thread

On January 04, 2005 at 22:22:12, Steve B wrote:

>>Which Mephisto Version Beat Deep Thought?
>An Experimental version of Mephisto defeated Deep Thought(predecessor to DEEP
>BLUE) in the 1989 North American Computer Chess Championship
>this was not a commercially available dedicated Mephisto computer,but my guess
>is it contained the Mephisto Portorose program by Richard Lang
>here is the game:
>                        NACCC 1989
>                          Round 5
>                 Mephisto X -- Deep Thought
>                        D25/18 8 g4
>1 d4 d5 2 c4 d:c4 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 e3 Bg4 5 B:c4 e6 6 h3 Bh5 7
>Nc3 Nbd7 8 g4 Bg6 9 Nh4 Be4 10 N:e4 N:e4 11 Nf3 Nd6 12 Bb3
>Qe7 13 Bd2 h5 14 Rg1 h:g4 15 h:g4 O-O-O 16 Ba5 b6 17 Bb4 a5
>18 B:d6 Q:d6 19 Qc2 Be7 20 O-O-O Rh3 21 Nd2 c6 22 Rh1 Rdh8
>23 R:h3 R:h3 24 Ne4 Qc7 25 Kb1 g5 26 Rc1 Kb7 27 Ba4 Nb8 28
>Nd2 Qd7 29 Bb3 Na6 30 Qe4 Nb4 31 a3 Nd5 32 Qg2 Rh8 33 Ne4 f6
>34 Qg3 Rg8 35 Rh1 f5 36 g:f5 e:f5 37 Qh3 Rf8 38 Nd2 Bf6 39
>Qh7 Rf7 40 Qh6 Qe6 41 Qg6 Rg7 42 Rh7 R:h7 43 Q:h7+ Be7 44
>Kc1 Kc7 45 Nf3 Kd8 46 Ne5 g4 47 Qh8+ Kc7 48 Kd2 Kb7 49 N:c6
>Q:c6 50 Qe5 Nc7 51 Q:e7 Qg2 52 Qh4 f4 53 e:f4 Qe4 54 Q:g4
>Q:d4+ 55 Kc1 Q:f2 56 Qf5 Qf3 57 Kc2 Kc6 58 Qe5 Nd5 59 Qe6+
>Kc5 60 B:d5 Q:d5 61 Q:d5+ K:d5 62 Kd3 a4 63 Kc3 Kc5 64 f5

You beat me to it - plus your game score is more complete.!

I was looking it up and decided to review the game before posting.

You move pretty fast for a beat-up old man !!  Your recovery must be going well!



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