Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: i would be curious to to move of course..

Author: F. Huber

Date: 03:36:06 01/11/05

Go up one level in this thread

On January 10, 2005 at 20:09:43, Steve B wrote:

>>what Cmaster(and any other PC prog) thinks of my position here:
>> [D] 4r1k1/7p/2p1P1pP/1p1q2P1/p7/2Q2R2/P6K/8 w - - 0 1
>>i was fairly certain i had a winning position
>BLACK is on the move..

Hi Steve,

hereĀ“s what ChestUCI says to your position:

ChestUCI Ver.3.7:
CPU: Celeron 400MHz
FEN: 4r1k1/7p/2p1P1pP/1p1q2P1/p7/2Q2R2/P6K/8 b - -
Search for Mate in -10 ...  (Hash=64MB)
Search completed ...  (Time=47.18s)
Mate in -8 found !  (00:47)
Qd5xf3 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-e4 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-b3 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-c4 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5xe6 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-d1 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-d3 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-d8 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-c5 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5xg5 --> 1.Qg7#
Qd5-f5 --> 1.Qg7#
Re8xe6 --> 1.Qg7#
Re8-a8 --> 1.Qg7#
Re8-b8 --> 1.Qg7#
Re8-c8 --> 1.Qg7#
Re8-d8 --> 1.Qg7#
Re8-f8 --> 1.Qg7#
Pa4-a3 --> 1.Qg7#
Pb5-b4 --> 1.Qg7#
Pc6-c5 --> 1.Qg7#
20 Solutions  (Mate in -1)
Re8-e7 --> 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rf8#
Re8-e7 --> 1.Rf8+ Kxf8 2.Qh8#
2 Solutions  (Mate in -2)
Qd5-d4 --> 1.Qxd4 Re7 2.Rf8+ Kxf8 3.Qh8#
Qd5-e5 --> 1.Qxe5 Re7 2.Rf8+ Kxf8 3.Qh8#
2 Solutions  (Mate in -3)
Qd5-d7 --> 1.exd7 Re2+ 2.Kh3 Rh2+ 3.Kxh2 c5 4.d8Q#
Qd5xa2 --> 1.Kg3 Qf2+ 2.Rxf2 Re7 3.Rf8+ Kxf8 4.Qh8#
Qd5-d2 --> 1.Qxd2 c5 2.e7 c4 3.Qd8 c3 4.Qxe8#
3 Solutions  (Mate in -4)
Qd5-d6 --> 1.Kh1 Qd1+ 2.Kg2 Qe2+ 3.Kg3 Qe1+ 4.Qxe1 Rf8 5.Rxf8+ Kxf8 6.Qd1 Ke8
7.Qd7+ Kf8 8.Qf7#
1 Solution  (Mate in -8)

Best regards,

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