Author: Henk Bossinade
Date: 15:15:18 01/13/05
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On January 12, 2005 at 23:31:34, Aart J.C. Bik wrote: >Hi Folks, >This is my first post to this forum. I work in the Intel Compiler Lab on >automatic vectorization for multimedia extensions (see > for some details), but in my free time I have >started working on a chess engine that will be optimized for the >Streaming-SIMD-extensions (SSE/SSE2/SSE3). Currently I am making my first steps >on getting my own Universal Chess Interface implementation to work with my >favorite chess environment: the Fritz interface. I noticed that some things >seeem to work a little different in Fritz than in the formal description (is >this a known deviation?), but I am pretty confident I will figure it out. >Are there other ongoing research projects that try to exploit the >Streaming-SIMD-extensions? If so, I would like to hear about this. Also, >although initially I want to focus on the engine, eventually I may also want to >implement my own book and access to Nalimov tablebases during the search. Stefan >Meyer-Kahlen kindly pointed me to the Crafty download to figure out how the >tablebases can be accessed. Will incorporating some Crafty source into my own >engine have any impact on licensing? >Nice "meeting you folks" and looking forward to some nice discussions! >Aart Bik > Intel, that's so nineties...
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