Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: El Chinito, lol !

Author: Thorsten Czub

Date: 07:42:40 01/20/05

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On January 20, 2005 at 10:28:05, Matthias Gemuh wrote:

>On January 20, 2005 at 08:30:44, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>is this an insider joke ?
>The Crafty clone is no more an issue in the scene.
>Why should someone want to beta test it ? ;)

chinito is no crafty clone.
he used parts of crafty. this is what many (amateur-)programmers do
from time to time to TRY OUT things, or to be lazy concerning certain
areas ... but after a time of experience those programmers mostly throw the
parts from crafty overboard because they found them inefficient.

IMO a crafty clone is something different. when somebody takes the whole
program, changes a few things and comes with HIS name instead of crafty.

with chinito or Eugen it is different.
eugen was a strong program long before crafty code was implemented.

As long as chinito plays different then crafty of course people would like to
betatest it.

IMO you are shallow when you make your jokes.
but you can continue like this, of course.

for me chinito (or eugen) are interesting programs and of course i do like to
test them and this because the programmer, eugenio castillo gives the programs
something unique that has nothing to do with crafty source code. if crafty would
have "this", i would test crafty too. but this is not the case.

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