Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Bionic v Crafty - a possible solution

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 10:55:23 01/25/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 25, 1999 at 12:36:51, Ren Wu wrote:

>I don't like to let my program play any clones, either in the server or in a
>tournament. I may play some crafties if they say it is a crafty running on a
>different hardware, but i will not play those program who claim it is not crafty
>because they change the compiler switch, add/delete 1 line of code, or whatever.
>The flood of crafties is one of the main reason kill my interests to play at
>chess server fics.

I like the clones on the chess servers.

There are a lot of them, and it makes other programs kind of hard to see, and it
makes it harder to get games, but the up-side is that there is always something
strong out there for you to play, if you want to, and the people who run the
clones help Bob in many other ways, and some may become interested enough to
write their own programs.

Some of them make modifications such as changing the opening book, which is an
interesting experiment, and some of them have changed the code to some degree.

There have also been cases where these people have decided that they don't want
to be just another guy running Crafty, so they run something else.  Several
amateur and even professional programmers have people running their program for
them and I assume sending them games and impressions.  So this is developing an
enthusiastic and free (!) tester pool that we can all make use of if we wish.

It's also spurred development of winboard, which has had to get better since so
many people are using it to run Crafty, so now anyone can use it more easily.

It's the live tournaments that worry me.  I don't mind having twenty of them
sitting there on the server, but I don't want to fly half way around the world
in order to play Crafty five times in eleven rounds.


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