Author: Charlie GOLD
Date: 13:55:47 01/25/99
Par Excellence, 1986 has all the features of the Excellence(1985). It is an upgrade plus full take back, 64 selectable openings to choose from. ROM: 32K, RAM: 8K, MHz: 5 Elite 2100, 1987/88 is the Par program with all the features of the Elite AS: wood board and pieces, etc. plus twin display screens(the AS had one screen display), and an easier evaluation score for the human to understand. Mach IIC-LA, 1987 has all the features of the Par plus 33 levels, replay, display screen, stronger program, but no selectable openings. ROM: 64K, RAM: 144K, MHz: 12, Book: 24K.It uses a 68000 processor and a 16 bit hash table(first?). Mach III Master, 1988 is a further improvement in the Mach series. It was officially graded at 2265(USCF) and has all the features of the Mach IIC. ROM: 64K, RAM: 80K, MHz: 16.
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